Monday, August 24, 2009

40 Hr Famine Weekend

I survived my 40hrs without food and facebook. Woo! I'm yet to raise all the money i need, but i've got another month or so to worry about that, so it's all good. This year the money goes to ending the world food shortage in third world countries, which is a more than worthy cause. It was a busy weekend, which is good in that it often kept my mind of food - but on the other hand, it meant burning more energy and making my tummy rumble!!

On friday night i had a cocktail party. I took a bunch of the girls, and was very happy to find that they all got along really well. There wren't many people at the party and we were freezing in our cocktail gear, but it was a good night and was fun chatting with a few people.

Most of saturday afternoon was spent organising our trip to serve food at the Saint Mary Magdelene's Centre for the Homeless. We carted all the food we needed for the three courses into the city and spent the afternoon preparing. The night went very smoothly; we served our pumpkin soup, meatballs, pasta salad, fruit salad and custard. The people we served were very happy with what we served and the team worked well together in the kitchen. We all left with that warm, fuzzy feeling that you get from helping other people.

I returned to church for the 40hr famine sleepover with the kids and spent most of the night watching some of the boys play Call of Duty and shoot zombies and stuff, before curfew at midnight. In the morning, we had church (i had to lead the congregation in a song, and then take the sunday school craft) and, finally, after the service we cooked pancakes to break our fast. Delicious. I'd made it through the fast relatively well (i missed facebook though!), but by the end of it, in the last ten or so minutes, i was starved.

Once the church emptied out, a few girls from uni turned up to work on a group project of ours. We got most of it done in the few hours i had spare before band practice, which was a great relief. Afterwards, i had band practice, which went for the next two hours, then it was time for church.

I didn't get home until about 10.30pm, having turned up at church before 3pm on the previous day. A long time. So it was nice to get home. I was exhausted though, and didn't manage to get much work done over the weekend, so i'm now feeling fairly unsettled at the thought of all that i have to do to get on top of things this week. A few hundred pages to note, at least. Not something to look forward to!! So i'd better get back to it...


c. said...

sounds like a good weekend!
very helpful..
I'd love to do a lot of the things you did on the weekend..
Ive always wanted to do the 40hr famine, but it seems that by the time i find out when its being held its already too late.
it must have been good to feed the homeless too.. id like to do something like that, im just not sure how to get involved?

the one part of your weekend i dont envy is the group assignment haha. im not a big fan of those..

oh and in reply to your last comment to me.. the whole resume thing was another reason i chose law, lol. i had no idea what i wanted to do, but figued it'd probably be easier to get a job if i had a law degree! haha

Hope youre having fun with your hundreds of pages =P

Annabel said...

haha keep the famine in mind around august, it's the same time each year. that said, i kinda left it to the last minute and havent got donations yet, even though the actual famine is over :P

churches are good places for volunteer work. but if you want to help with the homeless, just rock up at a centre and see if they need any volunteers or whatever - i'm sure heaps of places need more people :)

haha, uni's must love how many students do law just because it looks good on a resume. such a waste of all our time :P

hope you're getting some study done... clearly i am, seeing as i'm on my blog and all..

c. said...

See, in theory, the fact that its on at the same time each year means i should manage to remember. But, I always forget until its too late haha.

But.. ive been asked to take part in a mission trip to help build houses in villages in East Timor next year. i’m pretty psyched, so im really hoping I can go !! =D

And lol, ahh yes, all us time wasters.. oh well, at least the uni’s getting paid for it!

Clearly I'm also getting plenty of study done, considering that I too, am on your blog. Haha, which is not altogether productive, considering I have an in-class exam tomorrow!
..but reading your blog sure beats reading my textbook! =P

Annabel said...

wow, the mission trip sounds great. who are you doing it with? should be an amazing time!!

i'm still being completely unproductive, so i'm glad there's someone else out there wasting time with me :P hope that in-class exam went ok!

c. said...

i know! i think it would be an amazing experience. just have to see what ends up happening with fundraising and stuff.. cuz being a poor unemployed uni student i cant put that much money towards it. a family friend asked me to do it, she's done one before and reckons it's life changing. its with a youth ministry called yooralla.

and lol, im still being somewhat unproductive (although thats pretty much the story of my life - my uni life at least!)
my in-class exam did not go well at all! not very confident, but should be getting the results back this friday.
i had to do a bail application today in the moot court.. it was a bit scary!! first time ive had an oral assessment for law.
Hows uni going for you? assignments piling up yet ? Hope everything's going well =)
Hope you feel better too! (you mentioned being sick in your latest blog).

Annabel said...

sounds amazing. i hope you raise lots of funds! we had to do that for our trip to india, and it ended up being lots of fun (made all the work much easier!).

don't worry about being unproductive - i've spent all day doing nothing. well, i did organise my computer files and much around on facebook for awhile :P

i'll cross my fingers that you did well on your test!! as for doing oral assessments, they scare me too. we've not had a bail application before, but i've done a moot and an interview. they're always pretty nerve-wracking! managed to get through them ok so far though.

got heaps of assignments piling up. i've got a feeling i've got two huge ones due next thursday that i haven't even looked at yet :( by this time next week i'll be in full on panic mode... great.

how about you? lots of work at the moment? thank goodness for holidays being soon!!

thanks for hoping i get better soon! :)