Friday, June 06, 2008

Spooks and Spectres

We had an interesting discussion over lunch at church today. We (for some unknown reason) started speaking about ghosts. We exchanged ghost stories - and there were some credible ones. One of the boys talked about a mate who had a ghost in his old 'servant quarters' and he refused to go anywhere near those rooms. Rev.J was talking about a well-known christian who'd challenged a ghost, calling him a wimp to bother his children and should bother him instead - the ghost moved his hauntings into the man's study, where he stayed ever after. Another man talked about the ghost at the Pepper Studios, where a ghost would plant erotic thoughts in everyone's head... we weren't too sure how legit that one was!!

Things got interesting when we started talking about whether ghosts were real and what they were. We reserved judgement on whether we believed in ghosts, but decided that they were people who'd died that had unfinished business. We thought that the ghosts probably weren't 'saved' (re; christians), because if they were then they'd have no unfinished business - they'd just be too excited about going to haeven. I'm not totally sure about that, i think i good christian could leave unfinished business. Maybe leaving their loved ones behind, not sure how they'd cope, would classify as unfinished business. Maybe they're devoted christians, who love God, but just can't quite let go? Then, one of the boys asked whether it was possible to 'save' a ghost... what do you think? Do you think that talking to a ghost, whether or not it became a tangible conversation, could result in an ethereal conversion? Maybe...

I never expect to have conversations about ghosts instilling erotic thoughts, 'saving' ghosts and converting them to christianity and the supernatural. I love how my church stull suprises me and how unconventional it is. I know all of the conceptions that people have about churches, but i think it's reasonably safe to say that our church breaks at least some of those conventions!

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