Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Well, i feel like absolute crap today. Granted, in the last three days i've handed up four assignments worth 45% each, and that's a huge weight off my mind. However, i've now got dozens of pages of notes to make in a short amount of time. That, in itself, i can handle. I can even manage to fit work at stateswim and church into my limited amount of time.

The crap-ness stems from other areas. Such as my newfound disgust for the majority of humanity. Apparently, there's a selfishness inherent in the gene pool that causes people to act like pigs. While i don't deny that i have this gene, i chose to believe that i don't inflict it on everyone. Whereas the fates have turned on me, and everyone's pig gene is looking for me on a seek and destroy mission. That's enough to get anybody cranky.

Add to that the fact that i've had a perpetual headache for the last few days, because i've spent too much time cramped over my laptop writing blasted assignments and taking notes...

And i'm very tired.

Beware, cross me and i'll snap something. Believe me, whatever i'm snapping, in my head i'll be imagining that it's one of your extremities. Grrr...

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