Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Heads Or Tails

Today, we're meant to talk about lines. But, the blogging mood has left me, due to various other circumstances in life that have left me on autopilot. So, this weeks HoT will be mixed with a quick update.

First exam today, i've written my notes, but i'm not all that prepared, so it's going to be a case of hoping for the best. It's worth 50%, so i have to pass it to pass the topic. Scary. At least it's only a two and a half hour exam, so my lack of knowledge won't torture me for as long.

I had a busy weekend of work, sunday school, church... all the usual things. More little babies to cuddle. More things to clean. Thankfully, fewer babies to stop crying, because they all seemed more cheery this weekend.

As for the reason that i'll probably be less regular on my blog for awhile, there's not much i can say. Basically, i feel like i've been hit by a truck and it's not at all nice. To say i'm struggling to cope is an understatement. Just more change and emotional upheaval to plough my way through...

Think of it like this. If history could be imagined like a line, it'd not be repeated and everything along it would be fresh. If, however, history was a circle, it would be stuck on repeat. Most people say that history is like a circle. This is generally said in terms of the world's history, ice-ages and things. My life is also stuck in a history-circle. Though apparently, mine is incredibly small. It repeats about once a year. And, unfortunately, each time it repeats, each time it happens again it hurt more than the last time.

I'm really hoping that i somehow manage to break out of this circle and go back to having a linear history. Because if i have to do this again, i doubt i'll be able to. I'm doubtful that i'll even make it through in one piece this time.

So, if you don't see me around here much in the near future, don't abandon the hovel, i'll probably be back eventually. I just have a few things to sort out first.


Hootin Anni said...

....well, I will stop here then, and wish you all the luck in the world!!!

Barb said...

Of course I don't know what's going on with you, but I can say I've felt (maybe) the same way more than once.

Hang tough, girl. Take it one day at a time. Take it five minutes at a time if you have to. Keep in mind that you are not stuck in the moment. In fact.. you already are moving through this.. it just may not seem like it.

Sending you tons of hugs and warm thoughts. Feel free to email me if you just want an ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on.

Rambler said...

oh liked your thought..if history could be a line..just makes me wonder though..could be a straight one?

LA Nickers said...

Hoping for an upturn for you . . . soon! ;-)

MANATEE OF VANITY, at Nickers and Ink


PS: Don't forget to play at SIMPLY SNICKERS this week . . . posting new poetry prompts every Sunday.