When it comes to having to wait, i'm really pretty awful. I have very little patience when it comes to things like waiting for a reply, waiting for a doctor's appointment, waiting for someone to arrive or waiting until it's time to go home. However, when it comes to waiting for a child to get a point across, i can wait. And i'll wait to check my phone if i get a message and i hope it's from someone really interesting. I wait to start my assignments, under the pretext that 'i work well under pressure'. But, on the whole, playing the waiting game isn't my forte!
I also talked about how hard it is to wait! I get so much more impatient as I grow older. Hope you can check mine out at http://forgetfulone.blogspot.com/2008/06/hurry-up-and-wait.html
I can relate! I’m having trouble waiting for something right now … trying to be patient. I did HoTs early because I’ve got class early tomorrow morning … then found it had been cancelled. Hope you’ll drop by Small Reflections if time permits.
Hugs and blessings,
Oh, I can definitely relate to that, too. I'm not the most patient person in general. ;)
I did the HoT early and posted it before I knew it was cancelled. I went ahead and posted anyway and now I am pleased because a lot of others posted as well.
I guess impatience does pay off occasionally!
Mine in up at my place:
I'm not a good waiter either. I live by the now now now rule
I posted up early also. Stop by
I have far more patience with kids than I do adults ;)
Great HOT entry :)
My entry is here
I played too :)
I believe you and I are two peas in a pod! I work much better under pressure too-LOL! Blast From the Past is at my place!
Happy HoTs!
Playing the waiting game is no fun at all!
I played along too
Happy HoT!
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