It's official - i am, once more, a stateswim employee. Despite defficient pay (which will hopefully increase after a mere 12 more hours), wrinkly fingers and perpetually chlorine affected skin and hair, i LOVE my job. I love teaching the little kids! I took a starter yesterday - all the parents were pleased to have me back and all the kids couldn't wait to tell me all about what they'd been up to. This morning i turned up, prepared to take my old starter class back - and learnt that the teacher who took over from me while i was away wouldn't give them up!! I'm devestated that i don't get to see my old kids anymore... but now i have a new kindy class, with adorable balls of chub in floaties. They're a challenge - handling a writhing, hysterical child and trying to get them (and three others) to swim is a definate task. But i like learning how to comfort the kids and they all seem to like me. I've had some before - one little boy was so excited to see me! And i still got to see some of my old kids. Santino bounded up to me, thrilled to report that he'd moved up to starfish. It was great to be back. Oh... and do you remember the NewGuy? Well, he's still there, but perhaps not so new. After he charmed my children, volunteered to do my heavy lifting, let me cut infront of him in the huge stateswim line and had a big chat to me about what we're up to, he's definately another good reason to like working at stateswim :P
In other news, i'm working on my desire to shut myself away from the world and curl into a ball with a book. I went out with some people on friday night and managed to have a good time. It helped that they were all champs. When we decided we'd hit Marble Bar for a bit of a boogie, i drove - and survived the taunts on my driving. I even (under protest) let someone use the stick, while i handled the clutch... but relinquishing control in such a way didn't sit well with me. But, they were nice enough not to laugh at my hideous driving - driving with people makes me nervous and i'm far more likely to make mistakes. When we got inside, i eventually was made to dance (it wasn't really an optional thing) - and i discovered that i have partially regressed. No more dancing for me, my self-conscious, painfully shy self is back in full pelt. Joy. But i partially managed...
When a spider ran across my windshield on the way home, i freaked out. I coulnd't function for a second there! I was stopped at a green light, not moving. The guy i was with thought i was crazy (i can't say i'm suprised). He talk me through the drive back to his house, much like someone talks a person down from a ledge. Embarassing. I can't help that i'm phobic. When he tried to remove said spider once we'd reached his house, it proved itself smarter than he and hid. I let him off the hook... and swore that i could feel it crawling all over me for the entire trip home. Very unpleasant. I was practically hyperventilating. Not my finest hour. But it was still a fun night!!
Also, i've broken my computer and am feeling it's loss as much more than is healthy... but i'm bored and i want it back :( I've come to realise that i rely on if far too much! Hopefully it comes back from the shop in one piece... cross your fingers for me!
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