Thursday, November 08, 2007

12 Things I Know

Recent Discoveries

1. I've decided that i like my hair at the moment. After 18yrs i've finally figured out how to make it look decent!

2. I've decided that i WILL finish revising for my exams before i have to sit them - even if that only means writing my notes...

3. I've decided that my black jeans don't look crap after all and i'll keep wearing them.

4. I've decided that maybe my cat is still psycho and quacking. He might need to go back on anti-depressants.

5. I've decided that i'm going to keep wearing my belt, even though it's broken.

6. I've decided that getting addicted to more dvds (eg. Sex and the City or Scrubs) is a baaaaaad idea...

6. I've decided that i'm going to be extremely worried if my new favourite pen runs out before my exams are over!

7. I've decided that change isn't good fun but might possibly be a necessary evil.

8. I've decided that paying for things and expecting people to pay you back is a foolhardy, optimistic and silly thing to do.

9. I've decided that i'm going to try to go with the flow a little more and not get so massively uptight and squeaky about things. Dial down the annoying.

10. I've decided that you can be friends with people that you've had a 'thing' with and it just makes your past together more interesting - but only if you don't ignore the fact that it happened!

11. I've decided that nice emails can make you smile and make your day and make things just a little bit better all around.

12. I've decided that very few people would've noticed the fact that i had two 6's unless i pointed it out.


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