Monday, October 29, 2007


Fleeing The Coop

England. Paris. Berlin. Amsterdam. Prague. Munich. Venice. Rome. Lucerne. India.

I don't like change... i'm not entirely sure why i'm throwing myself onto an airplane to spend two months on my own. I think i thought that it would be an escape, or maybe a time of self-discovery like you read about in the books or see in the movies. I think that i'm delusional. I think that i'm going to be terrified until i leave and i think that i'm going to be trying as hard as i possibly can not to cry (at least until i'm on the plane). I hope that i'm going to have a great time.
23 more days and exams are over - freed. 43 more days and i leave the country for two months - terrified.


1 comment:

thethinker said...

I'm so jealous!

I would love to travel all over for two months. Don't be afraid. Just think of it as an adventure.