Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Caffineated High

Tuesday = Non-Productive

Today was mucho funo. Somehow i was ready by 8.10 (rather than rushing out of the house, late, at 8.30). I actually thought the clock was wrong. So, on the way to uni, i got petrol, cleaned my windows AND got one of the good parks in the actual law carpark! As if that wasn't great enough, i was there before Pious and Felix-the-Cat - so i could laught at them for scrambling in just before the lecture started instead of the other way around for a change!

Felix-the-Cat and i spent two hours studying and mucking around while we waited for his tute to start. We visited his brother and scored 60 pages printing without having to pay for them ourselves! Another highlight.

I went down to see the SouthAfrican in the Tav (the pub) and was joined by the SouthAfrican'sBrother who proceeded to distract me from work for another two hours with gossip and random chat. Nice to have such good-looking company :P Then we got joined by his super-polite friend from last time, who is lots of fun. I think i called him Monkey-Fish or something, because that's what he reminded me of at the time... hmm... still, he's very nice. Unfortunately, i'll probably never see him again, now that the SouthAfrican'sBrother is off to QLD!

The two boys and i went to get free coffee - i'd never had a cup of coffee before :P I was promised a caffine high to get me through the rest of the afternoon - and was rewarded with one that lasted about ten minutes :P i DON'T want to get addicted to coffee! But it was free... so that's the exception.

I was a psych friend and we panicked together about exams. I actually talked in my contract tute. AND i had PROPER talks with the people in my ethics tute AND contributed to class discusison! I was so proud of myself!

After seven hours at uni (and only three hours of classes...), i left feeling very pleased with myself; participation and a great day of hanging out with mates - i even have more thatn two now! Unfortunately this was my last tuesday for the term... but i think i'll manage next year too :D

Best day in ages. Even if i barely got any work done!


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