Monday, August 27, 2007

The Best Laid Plans


It seems that my catch cry of late is 'i'm booooooooooored'. Pathetic, i know, seeing as i am supposed to be living the wild and exciting life of a first year uni student; parties, guys, hangovers, guys, parties, all-nighters, long naps, parties, cool clothes, girls nights, parties... is this sounding familiar to anyone out there?

Instead, my life is pretty much the opposite; work, uni, study, uni, study, work, sleep deprivation, nights in, boredom, work, uni, study, work, uni, study, study, work, uni, procrastination...

Did you notice the distinct pattern there? It's no wonder i'm bored. It's reached the point where going to work is the highlight of my week... ohhhh dear.

I've decided that i will suffer through the next three weeks of uni and then make the most of my HOLIDAYS! I can't wait. I don't have Kids Club this holidays (that'll be in term time... fun), so that's a whole extra week of fun! So, i've got three whole weeks to plan lots of exciting things to do - and, hopefully, all my exciting plans will keep me going through the next three weeks!

Here are the ideas so far...
* Road trip! Roz and i thought that we might drive up to melbourne, for a little shopping, then visit my sister's house on Phillip Island, before driving home along the Great Ocean Road. Sound like fun? Well, there are two car seats left up for grabs, so i'm accepting applications.
* Spending as much time as possible outside (preferably at the beach) - simply because we're AUSTRALIAN and we LOVE THE BEACH.
* Actually leave the house and go out into town for once. I think it's time i started living the 18-year-old life. I'm a discrace to my year.
* Re-awaken the good old times at Roz's place in Carra (now, say it with me, it's Kar-A-Kal-Inga). We can play house for a few days.
* Have a girls night and watch disney/scary/chick-flick/classic movies. As in, more than one. As in, all night. As in, properly! Not like our lame attempts of late :P
* Catch up on my sleep (i'm SO excited about that!)
* Shop - it's about time i found some decent summer clothes...

Ok... that's all that my tired brain can invent for a fun holiday... that, and all the reading that i'm behind on for this term... but i'll try not to think about that :P Any more suggestions girls?

Ok, this has kept me entertained for a few minutes... back to contract law preparation now! Hurrah! Ah well, what am i complaining about - it's only 11.40 and i dont have to be up for at least another seven hours... plenty of time to study some more!


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