Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tuesday Night Adventures

The Place To Be

Apparently almost all of adelaide hangs out in the Ed on a tuesday night. Never having been there before, i was surprised to see so many people from school, both in my year and the years above. Which was cool. However, there were SO many people there. I'm not so great in crowds, so i was pretty freaked and sat quietly for awhile. Eventually though, the crowds thinned out and there was enough space to breathe.

It was a night to celebrate the 18th birthday of dear little George, so it was kind of her crowd. But they all seemed nice, so it wasn't too bad. I made friends with the twins (who i was majorly surprised to find actually knew my name!!) and joined the ranks of the girls who drool over the incredibly gorgeous male who happened to be with us. *Sigh* Heaps of the girls turned up, so it was great to see everyone and catch up.

After the place had cleared out a little, the boys decided that we needed to head to the Cas (aka the Casino). Aside: I'm not quite sure what it is about guys. But they tend to shorten every possible word. The Casino becomes the Cas. The TAB is the TA... I tell you, for someone like me who has no idea about the world of partying, it's incredibly difficult to tell what they're talking about! A group of us thought that it could be fun. The Ed closed at midnight, so we planned to head off then.

However, there were a few moments of interest before we headed out. First, the group got involved in my messaging the ManChild... which led to one of the girls sending a message, which i personally would've put a little more subtly. Hmm... We'll see how that goes. Then, i had a fairly drunk irishman was using me for a support pole. His hands dropped a little low, which really didn't end well for him. He redeemed himself later when he gave us twenty dollars for a taxi... granted, he thought that it would be a good idea to try and put it down my top - i tell you, he was a handful. Then i got knocked over in a random barfight. Since i wasn't hurt, it merely served to amuse me. Especially when he who shall be dubbed Jack leapt to my defence and yelled at the guys to be more careful when there were ladies around.

When it came time to leave, the idea of going to the Cas petered out somewhat. The gorgeous guy left to drive Jack and the Irishman home - which was a huge worry, as he had been drinking. George and i were NOT happy - but there's very little you can do when a few drunk guys are being stubborn... they're lots bigger than you. The twins decided that we'd all give the Cas a miss for tonight and wait until friday. So, we all waited for taxis together in the freeeeeeezing cold! By the time we got home it was only 1am, so it was a nice early night!

We messaged the boys who'd left earlier to make sure that they'd made it home alive. I'm really not approving of drink driving. I don't quite understand why people do it. And, as George pointed out, their logic is way off. Instead of their saying 'i've had something to drink, but my judgement is not impaired', they usually say 'it's ok, i'm not going to get caught'. Something just isn't rught with that way of thinking. Thank goodness they were ok. We were off to bed soon after - interrupted only by one thing. My phone ringing at 2am. I picked up, to hear the Irishman wondering where we were - because they'd decided to go to the Cas after all :P Boys are so hopelessly disorganised.

All in all, the night was really great. We'd been so tired before we left that we almost hadn't gone in :P So we were surprised and definately happy when we ended up having a great time. Now that we're all grown up and everything!


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