Thursday, December 28, 2006

Thusday Thirteen #5

Thirteen Guys who grace the Silver Screen...

They're gorgeous, their characters epitomise everything that we want in people, their adorable charm makes us forget about the less than perfect people whom we see know in reality - basically, they're just the reason why we go to movies. Obviously, tastes difffer. But, here are mine, for you to see, in no particular order - thirteen of the guys who give me a reason to spend $11.50 on a movie ticket...


Believe it or not, this guy is a relatively new addition to the 'hot dudes in the movies' list! I was never a fan - but tastes change. Therefore, this guy makes the list and his incredibly hot physical attributes lead to his hitting the top of the list. Thank goodness for Ocean's Eleven - without it, i may never have joined the long line up of girls across the world who adore this man.


Jude Law. Nothing much more needs to be said but i'll say something anyway :P Again, not the hugest fan in the world... until The Holiday. Thankfully, i have an open mind - otherwise i wouldn't've been able to completely and utterly fall for Mr. Law in this movie! He must be the most gorgeous man alive (for the moment). Maybe it would just be his character - who was equally amazing - but this guys adorable. Noodle and i have one of our very own on mail order, so no doubt you'll hear from me in 6-8 weeks.


Joshua Jackson. Simple. I. Love. Him :P Ahh, the simple things in life. Got to say, he's the cutest, nicest person ever. Then again, i am basing that simply on the characters he plays, i've never actually met the boy. But meh. Surely he couln't act them so well unless he was similar?! But i suppose that's why they call it 'acting'... ok, i don't want to think like this! I chose to believe he's every bit as great as the characters he plays!!


Supernatural, Dawson's Creek, Smallville... all have been graced with the incredibly good looks that make up Jensen Ackles. Am i utterly insane if i think that people's personalities can be judged by their appearance? I don't mean it in a bad way, just that surely someone who looks like that has to be nice? (I'm willing to accept that my naievty may cause some bias here :P). Anyhoo, his characters are nice and he's cute so i'll again choose to believe in his nice-ness.


Yes, he's kind of old. So? He's just like cheese - as in he gets better with age. Lol, i can't believe i just compared Colin Firth with cheese! But look at him. His grin isn't Hollywood-ised, it's just, well, happy! Love Actually, Pride & Prejudice, Bridget Jones, even Nanny McPhee. The man is not only adorable but also a marvelous actor. Makes any movie better.


I'm starting to notice a distinct pattern here. All it seems to take is the one movie with the guy acting sweet and nice, blah, blah, blah, and i'm hooked. All it takes is some gallantry and i fall. Lol, i'd say look out for every nice and sweet guy i may stumble across in reality but it hasn't been a huge problem so far :P So, until it actually becomes a problem, i'll stick with the likes of CMM, who's cameo in Dawsons got him onto the list.


Devon Sawa and JTT can share a number. I've loved any movie these guys are in since i was just a kid. They were always synonomous in my mind, for some strange reason. Both fit that adorable-looks-and-good-character-personality vibe that's running as a common theme here. Therefore, stands to reason that they've made the list :P What are they in? Well, Devon Sawa made it into Slackers, Now & Then, Casper, Little Giants... while JTT hit Huckleberry Finn, I'll Be Home For Christmas, Smallville... Go forth and watch!


Just like good old Colin, Hugh Grant is slightly on the other side of the hill but so? Boyish charm... coupled with a little sense of charma and smarm... but that can be overlooked. Love Actually, Notting Hill, Bridget Jones... this man's hitting up all of the box office smashes. No doubt he's a big part of the popularity.


Yes, i know you think it's strange. No, that won't change my mind. Sean Astin rocks! Well, more so the younger version of him than the older, but whatever. Time travel is SO going to be possible a few years from now! Goonies, Toy Soldiers, LOTR, 50 First Dates... this guy is pretty cool - even if he's slightly random and only shows up every so often. Love him!


This guy? Super cute. So he gets two piccies :P Friends star, Matt Perry will go down in history as incredibly funny, smart, cute, blah, blah, blah. I'm not such a huge fan of his druggie/rehab phase, but everyone has their bad moments, so we'll move past that. I love this guy! I bet if he hadn't been in Friends it would've been axed long before it hit it's tenth season. No, i'm not loyal and biased :P


Here's another two-for-one (obviously, i'm not so good at sticking to the stipulated thirteen...). Sean Ashmore shows up in Animorphs, Cadet Kelly and X-Men movies to name a few. He's blonde, adorable and then some. Nicholas Brendon? Well, he's shown up in my newest Buffy thing. Meet Xander. Despite being the only non-magical dude in the show, his adorableness and boyish charm makes up for that in a second :P


Last time i do a double, i swear :P Tom Welling as the gorgeous Smallville star, Clark Kent, is hot. Not to mention the fact that he saves the world on a daily basis. Lovely. David Boreanez? Another Buffy star, the hottest man on the planet. Simple. One picture, especially this one, does him no justice. None. Not even a thousand pictures would. Angel is the most gorgeous man on the planet. Enough said.


Hooray for me! Lucky last and i managed to stick to one. Well, sixteen instead of thirteen isn't so bad. Hugh Jackman, also starring in X-men, is hot, a guy (instead of the usual female-type that i go for), has a charming smile... what else could a girl want in a movie star? This guy definately makes that silver screen shine a little bit brighter.

There they are. A whole stack, not exactly thirteen but close enough, of guys who are gorgeous (i really hate spelling that word...) to melt that silver screen completely. You want a good night in to take your mind off the grotesque personal features of some of the less female members of the reality that we are a part of? Then grab a flick with one (or more!) of these guys in it and all will be well. Enjoy!

Oh, and by the way, the incredibly awful formatting of this post is going to give me more nightmares than the episode of Buffy i'm watching (happens to be the formal one girls, remember that from classics? :P)


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    Anonymous said...

    I have NEVER seen Sean Astin look like that. Careful! My daughter might be skulking about. I don't dare let her see that picture. She might explode.

    Have a Happy New Year.


    My Thursday Thirteen

    Anonymous said...

    If you think Sean Astin rocks in the movies you mentioned, check out "Harrison Bergeron" (hard to find) and the second season of the Showtime series "Jeremiah", where he portrays the mysterious and heart breaking Mister Smith. That character is to die for!

    Anonymous said...

    I love Matt Perry too! He's my fav 'Friends' star!!!!

    Anonymous said...

    a fine selection of 16 very worthy candidates. my personal favourites are the chad, devon sawa i adore, angel and xander gah so spot on there hun. i love it even more that johnny depp wasnt a part of ur list. did i mention how much i love u?

    Anonymous said...

    I totally agree with you on the Tom Welling pic---he's a hotty!

    But, I'm pretty sure that Sean Astin shot was photo-shopped. He was never that buff...but that's why we love him. He's so cuddly!