Thursday, December 28, 2006

Friends In Need

Friends Indeed

In a direct contrast to the complete and utter 'woe-is-me'-ishness of my last post, i shall now sing the praises of my buddies :) I'm in a very 'smile-in-the-hovel' kind of mood, for none of the usual reasons! :P So, you can all reap the benefits because i'll go on to tell everyone how great you are!

My friends are the most important things in my life (bonus points to anyone who can tell me where that's from) so it stands to reason that i like life more when they're being great :) How logical of me!

Recent events in which the girls have shown their greatness in the friendship area:

*Lovely people who put me to bed at 4am after vacating a random park
*Marvelous people who buy me food when i have no money (unfortunately all too often :P)
*Great people who pick me up for choir every week
*Dude-some people who listen to my whinging :P sorry guys!
*Amazing people who apologised (even though i wasn't mad) for hooking up with someone they knew i liked an entire six months ago and gave you a huge hug - luv ya bubs, that was so nice!
*Nice littleuns who send random texts asking if you want to go to catch up
*Wicked people who send me a photo of an (arguably) hot nephew - whom apparently i shall be meeting - just proving that people are thinking of me
*Silly people who send me photos of terribly (ugly) 'cool' cars - just showing that people do think of me when i'm not around
*Funny people who send invite to a random NYE party - just showing that i'm hard to forget :P
*Superduper people who share late night conversations over history or classics, accompanied by large loads of stress
*Absolute gems who don't bat an eyelid when i show up an absolute mess on their doorstep
*Cool parents who offer to help me when my own rentals fall short
*Kind relatives who make an effort to get to know the quiet ones
*Good mates who return my dvds when i ask for them :P
*Incredibly people who i find at church, trying to work, who don't mind me showing up to interrupt them
*Beautiful people who randomly call to say 'hey, what's up?'
*Enduring lovelies who endure my *ahem* somewhat obsessive neatness
*Idiots who love to laugh WITH me at all the trouble i get myself into (NOT random, i tell you!!)
*Anyone who's braved one of my many adventures...

Is that enough of a list? I think that's enough to be thankful for for one day :) People, if you've found something you do on that list, it means i'm thankful! If not... well, do one of those things and THEN i'll be thankfull :P or just do something equally lovely!

Lol, i'm in a slight mood so i must be off! Buffy awaits (yes, new addiction...)...

Annie the Thankful :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay i got u addicted to buffy!!! sorry a lil off the 'lets be thankful' topic... and probably closer to the less thankful more like 'damn lauren for getting me addicted to buffy and wasting my perfectly good money on all the various seasons on dvd' :P sorry hun