I Guess We Can't Ever Know Too Much...
15 Signs That You're In Love
1. When you think about him your heart skips a beat.
2. You'll read his texts over and over again.
3. You'll walk really slow together.
4. Sometimes you'll pretend to be shy around him.
5. By listening to his voice you'll smile for no reason.
6. You'll wait for hours online just to talk to him even if it’s only for 5 minutes.
7. You'll start listening to slow and meaningful songs.
8. He'll become all that you really think about.
9. You worry about him talking to other girls.
10. You think about those three words all day long.
11. You'd do anything for him.
12. You'll get high just by his smell.
13. You won’t stop talking about him.
14. Whilst you've been reading this there was one person on your mind the whole time...
15. You always look at what they do.
What guys really mean when...
**Keep this in mind next time he changes his font colour**
Green - I love you!
Blue - I'm cool
Purple - I'm Sexy
Pink - I'm gay
Red - I'm feeling romantic
Yellow - I'm happy
Orange - I'm a psycho
Aqua - I'm sad
Black - I'm falling in love with you
**What he says...What he means**
He Says: "I gotta go, I'll call u later"
He means: "Be lucky if I ever call again!"
He says: "I just wanna be friends"
He means: "Thats the excuse I could think of not 2 go out with you"
He says: "Lets go back to my place"
He means: "Lets get it on!"
He says: "I like those pants!"
He means: "I wonder how fast I can get them off of you!"
He says: "You look a lot better this year!"
He means: "Last year you were a dog!"
He says: "Yea, you look cute, I guess"
He means: "You are butt ugly!
He says: "I like your shirt a lot"
He means: "I like what's under more!"
**Keep this in mind next time when he kisses you**
A kiss on the hand – You’re nice, but no.
Lips – You’re hot, I love you
A kiss on the cheek - I love you
Anywhere else - Um...maybe he loves u a little too much :P
Most girls never win...
If you dress nicely, he says you're trying to attract other guys
If you argue with him, he says you're stubborn
If you don’t love him, he'll try to win youIf you love him, he'll leave you
If you tell him your problems, he'll say you're irritating
If you don’t, he'll say you don’t trust him
If you lecture him, he'll say you're bitchy
If he lectures you, it's because he cares for you
If you break one promise, you can’t be trusted
If he breaks 100 promises, it's because everybody makes mistakes
If he gets with 10 girls, he's the manIf you get with one guy, you're a slut
It’s a game and the girls never win...... Unless you have found an awsome guy! :D
Does he really like you?
Most guys are shy when it comes to girls, but they do give you subtle clues. Here's what to look out for...
Clue 1 – A promise is a promise
A classic sign that a guy is keen on you is if he chooses your company over an activity he absolutely digs! For example, your crush has promised to teach you how to surf on a day that all his mates are at the beach. He sticks by you even though he’d rather be enjoying the surf with his mates.
Clue 2 – The nudge factor
For some reason, most guys have a problem with showing affection in public (especially if they’re in front of their mates), which is why they give you the odd nudge or playful punch. Even though they can’t wait to do so, guys need a reason to touch you. Look out for this clue after you say something funny or cute.
Clue 3 – In denial
No matter what he says to you in private or the way he acts when you’re one on one, he will always deny the way he feels to his mates. The more he denies it, the more he likes you. This is a thing that guys do to show that they haven’t gone all soft because of a girl.
Clue 4 – Making an effort
Guys will always make an effort when he feels strongly for a girl. A classic sign is if he asks you to share on of his passions with him. For example, if he asks you to watch him play footy. This shows that he wants to spend time with you, and wants you involved in his life.
Clue 5 – His mates
Your crush’s mates will always give off some vibes for you to read into. Have you ever wondered why all his mates laugh and carry on when you walk past, even though you haven’t said a word? Don’t take this personally, they are just egging your crush on because they know how he feels about you.
Any help girlies? You never know, maybe it'll come in handy one day soon.
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