Sunday, October 29, 2006

S.W.A.T 2006

Walford Girls Over and Out

It's over! The Walford S.W.A.T team has left the building. As of Friday night, i am officially an OLD SCHOLAR! Cool, don't you think? Thirteen years of hard yakka and all i have ahead of me are exams - then FREEDOM for three months! Sounds good to me.

So, here's what went down; after an incredibly stressing day in which i covered for the Monarch by writing captain's reports, then helping dearest Miha, who was also covering for the Monarch by doing the editing of our video, finally making it to Roz's place, Loz and Sporting Buddy in tow, too late to catch out taxis. Those of you who know me would know how stressed out i'd be! So, i drove to our Muck-Up Day Eve party and the Air (that right?) appartments. Tres cool! After destressing, all was well. I was having a good time and everyone looked damn cool with the whole S.W.A.T theme clothes. 5 Vodka shots, a bottle of beer and a cruiser later (i told u, i was stressed out...), Roz had taken my car home and we'd ridden out the party, in the presence of BB and the gals. We dregs were on our way out, back to Roz's for some chilling.

A mini-breakdown (not mine!) and two Macca's trips later, our group of 18 had dwindled to 9 and 2.30am saw a hard case of the sleeps hit us square in the face. Unfortunately, 9 girls on 6 matresses led to a restless night of feeling so parched that i was convinced i was in a desert and wriggling around to avoid thwacking someone in the nose :P Three and a half hours later, alarms went off left, right and centre, before a mad scramble for clothes/bottles/toy guns, etc, and a rush to cars so we could get to school.

Two hours later and i'd helped orchestrate the removal of every single chair in the school to the lawn infront of the hall, where they were tied together with police tape :P Hardly rebellious, i know, but it did serve to disrupt the entire school without disobeying the strict rules we were under (eg; no water guns, no yelling, no chalk/silly string/toilet paper, no suds in the fountain, etc...). Then we got our yummy breakie!!! GO 06/07 STUDENT LEADERS!!! They made us the BEST breakie ever, pirate theme, cool treasure chest, lolly bags, shells, balloons everywhere. It was extremely cool - must have taken them forever and i KNOW that they went waaaaay over budget :P Makes you feel loved, hey!

After delicious jelly, doughnuts, croissants and more, it was time for the mock-awards! Somewhat surprisingly, the Monarch and the Side-kick had done a good job! I was awarded 'Most Argumentative', which was considered to be quite apt :P However, Rayman did come up with a truly decent alternative - 'Most Likely To Marry A Waterpolo Coach' :P I'm sure we're not talking about enyone in particular, hey girlies!

After putting away the rest of the chairs (yes, we did do the dutiful Walford thing and clean up out mess), we had our super-special assembly! Our dance went fantastically, with my two dancing buddies and i making a perfect transition from middle to back, staying faaaar away from the front! Yay! The the four-year-fours made their final appearance, followed by a trio of wicked videos, that had a few of us snuffling as we remembered our time at school. Finally, we had our song. With the tune of 'Closing Time' by Matchbox 20, a few of the words altered, we sang to acoustic guitar and, despite two girls in hysterics on either side, i managed to make it to the end of the song without losing it. Not saying anything for afterwards though!!

One guard of honour later, we were feeling sufficiently loved and that was added to by a tearful school captain saying she didn't know what she would do without me and my little buddies from waterpolo/debating/peer leader-ing calling out how much they would be lost without me! It was so cool! *Sigh* I loved to feel loved!

Home we went (via Benj of course, to show off our guns and doggie tags, which we adored so much, and the bakery for a well needed meal). Graduation came post-job-interview (which went well, but i haven't heard about yet, thanks for asking) and had me watching all the girls i've grown up with parade across a stage amidst an overview of their achievements and the cutest photos of them in baby form.

Au Revoir Senior School, Aloha Cibo for a celebratory iced coffee :)

I'm all grown-up now!


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