Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Soooooooooooooooooo bored...

...two days down, 28 days to go...

...but i don't know if i'm going to make it! I haven't been this bored in a veeeery long time. I've been sitting here in the hovel allll day, attempting to study but failing miserably. All of yesterday was spent procrastinating beautifully; i now have a lovely and tidy room. Today? No more excuses! I had nothing - and i mean NOTHING - to do but study. So did i knuckle down and do it? Unfortunately not. For some unknown reason, i have NOT been able to get my ass into gear and study. The idea just isn't very appealing :P It seems that i would much rather waste time sitting here and doing nothing - which is hardly a more attractive option!

I'm thinking that i just need a half decent excuse to get out of here for more than a second. Motivation!!! If i had something that i could look forward to then maybe i could actually achieve something? Or maybe that's just wishful thinking, but it's worth a try. I don't have any exams until monday - and that's only eng. comms, so it's hardly counted. So i can DEFINATELY afford to take just a little bit of time out this week. Unfortunately i seem to be the only one (ok, one of few) who share this opinion. Therefore, even if i did take a night off, i'd most likely be doing it alone, so it's hardly something to look forward to :P

Do you know i've almost started counting down until waterpolo on thurdsay? It's a bona-fide excuse to get out of the house and i'm thinking that i can convince a few of the others too. Even without the draw card of that certain coach we (ok, ray and i) adore so much :P *sigh* That's not to say his presence wouldn't be appreciated, of course! Now, THAT would be an incentive to study!

'Saw3' comes out on thursday too - girlies, the 'saw' movies are our thing, you know we'll have to see it at the movies, it's just soooo much better that way! You sure as hell won't have to convince ME to leave the house and see it... but you guys might need some working on. PLEASE take pity on poor old me, who is literally DYING OF BOREDOM (yes, i have proven it to be possible) here in the hovel and come see it with me! I don't care where, when or with whom. I JUST NEED TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!

So, anyone who cares to answer my plea for entertainment, you know where to find me!

I'd BETTER hear from someone soon :P



Anonymous said...

i feel your pain, i am equally as bored and the wall outside my window has never looked so interesting. Unfortuneatly if i am not sitting here attempting to study i feel guilty and parents really arent impressed if im out and about 5 days before my exams start :( try goin into school for "help" atleast its a semi purposeful trip out of the house lol
good luck beating serious bordem

Anonymous said...

THANK GOD! somebody who seems to be procrastinating as much as I am. Thursday...and I have done almost nothing! I'm stressing myself out, and yet still can't find the motivation to actually sit down and study! My room, like yours, has been tidy since the beginning of the week, and I can not think of any more excuses! Exams start in 3 days...we're screwed :O

Anonymous said...

Hi to everyone =)
thx for u