Friday, October 06, 2006

My 'List'

Making the Cut

I was chatting this afternoon with Loz and we were discussing our 'lists'. You know the ones; the list of five people that, should the oppourtunity arise, you could hook up with without any repercussions with your partner of the time. It got me thinking about who would make my 'list' and i amused myself for awhile thinking about who'd make the cut. It's a tricky thing to decide; i mean, there are about 6 billion people in the world, so that makes 3 or so billion guys. And i only get to chose five of them!

Guys like Robbie Williams, Brad Pitt or maybe Bon Jovi (yes, Roz, that's for you! :P) would end up on quite a few lists i guess. Lucky for them! If guys had lists, i'm betting that girls like Scarlett Johanssen, Jessica Alba and maybe Jennifer Anniston or whats-her-face with the big lips would make the cut. Personally, i prefer to be a liiiiiiitle more unique :P

Ok. Lots of thought and here's the 'List' - as of today, at least! Here it is, in no particular order :P

Ani's 'List'
1. Joshua Jackson ('Dawson's Creek' style)
2. Matthew Perry (old, but i love him!)
3. Sean Astin (when he's young... because it's totally possible to go back in time...)
4. My Adelaide-style Bon Jovi
5. Adrian Gardiner (that dude from 'Drive Me Crazy' and 'Devil Wears Prada')

So, there's the 'list' :P If you see any of the guys on it, give them a push in my direction, ok?



Anonymous said...

J's list:
1. Mischa Barton (mmmmm)
2. Melissa Theuriau (French news reader)
3. Josie Maran
4. Cameron Diaz
5. Charlize Theron

Can you make it happen Ani?

Annabel said...

Lol, well, i don't know about Melissa, Josie or Cameron, but Mischa and Charlize are great mates of mine, so i think i could help you out there! but if ur marrying a certain drummer later this week, they might not be so keen so... :P