Me and Embarassing Moments
Ok, new theory. I'm thinking that, through some strange cosmic occurence, i have become magnetically attractive to embarassing moments. Who knows how. But i cartainly seem to have had more that my fair share. Not just recently, but alllllll the way back to my younger-years...
When i was in primary school, there was the time when a suitor professed his love for me whilst i was on the swings. Sound romantic (as much as it could be in year two :P)? Well, his phrasing was a liiiiitle off... i recall it as being; 'Kiss me, or i'll throw up on you!'. Not exactly Casanova. A lunchtime of running away ensued. See? Even at age 7 i couldn't escape embarassment.
Then in year 5 or so, i'm coming down to collect some award in assembly. Picture this; little girl bouncing down the stairs, hair neatly tied to the side when, suddenly, she slips on the last step... she sprawls about 5 metres across the stage... everyone starts to laugh and she has no choice but to get up, collect her award and return to her seat, face fire-engine-red with embarassment. Yep, that was me.
But it got steadily worse over the years! (Yes, it is possible) There was a certain Sexy Lexy and a beanie, which, i'm sure you all recall, didn't end well for me! Ohh, the memory of that after-party just makes me CRINGE. How long was that? Three years? So, at least two of constant mild embarassment whenever we were in the same room, culminating in one night of appalling embarassment... well, at least i don't do things by halves! I guess that's something...
I'll skip the many moment of open-mouth-insert-feet that i've had over the last few years, or this would go on forever, but let's take a quick look at Witch-boy, whose presence in my life (although i guess it can't really be called 'presence', as such, him never having actually MET me and all...) gave you all such cause for mirth and allowed me to return to the permanent shade of pink that graced my cheeks.
How about when i told that guy i liked him earlier this year? THAT went well, didn't it? Talk about the most excruciatingly embarassing moment of my young life (and there have been enough to compare it to!). I warn you, NOT worth the embarassment. Remember when i ran away from (or, as i prefer to remember it, 'walked briskly from') a certain guy at a certain BBQ earlier this year? Or what about that evening consisting of the 'bike wheels, the third wheel and the spare tire'? Where i was decked out in a sombrero and so unsubtly left with a certain guy... pretty embarassing. Especially when his sister came home a few hours later to find sporting buddy and i in her bed... Fun times. And sporting buddy, i'll reming you of my behaviour on 'THAT' night, as well as 'THAT comment' i made the other day. Such fond memories...
Then, last night, i was greeted with embarassment one more rearing it's ugly head. Again, i ask you to picture the following; a girl wearing a dress and heels with curly hair showing her mother the outfit and then waiting for her friend to arrive so that she could gain the opinion of someone remotely close to her generation... there's a knock at the door and she turn towards the stairs, expecting to see her mate standing there... however, her friend is running late and, instead, there is a guy standing in the door to your room, looking veeery confused and asking if he's got the right day... she are INCREDIBLY embarassed, having not expected his arrival so soon, and hurridly attempts to explain why she're standing there, in the middle of her room, dressed to the nines... after a few minutes (which felt like a few hours) discussing cupboard doors, of all things, her friend DOES arrive and approves of the attire (she'd better have, seeing all the trouble it caused!) and she hastily gets changed back into her uniform jeans and a tee. Sound mortifying? Not really? Well, if you wear dresses with an astounding rarity and were undecided about whether it looked half-decent to start with, not to mention you get embarassed incredibly easily, then yes, it would be. And it didn't even earn a comment from the guy! :P Well, at least the rest of the evening continued relatively without a hitch...
Well, there is my list of embarassing moments that immediately spring to mind... though i'm not EXACTLY sure why i'm sharing them with you... Oh well, if you know me at all, you're probably more than aware of my record! And if you don't know me, then i really have no reason to be embarassed. Lol, i like my logic. There really are quite a few of them. I think i must attract them somehow. Just like bees and honey, roz and Bon Jovi or waves and sandcastles, there must just be something that pulls embarassing moments and me together! Ah well, at least it keeps life interesting :P
Back to the books... and 'Dawson's', of course!
Au Revoir!
P.S; i watched 'Donnie Darko' last night and am ever so slightly confused by it... if anyone feels the desire to explain the finer details, feel free! It was a wicked movie though... even if it left me slightly confused!
P.P.S; for those who know what i'm on about; i'll keep you posted on whether or not Saturday night saw the dress achieving it's aims... I'm doubtful as of yet, but who knows...
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