Friday, October 13, 2006



You're looking at (reading the word of??) a freshly-qualified First-Aider. As of yesterday afternoon, i am a proud posessor of my Senior First Aid certificate and a CPR certificate. Yay! If you have an accident, you know who to call!

Seriously though, i spent the last two days doing a First Aid Course with Roz. Sound boring to you? Well, i thought it would be, but it actually was pretty interesting - and even fun (sometimes!). I spent quite a bit of time wrapping roz in bandages, pretending to treat dramatic heart-attack victims and giving CPR to 'Edward'. Can you believe that, for our final practical thingy, i had to act out a victim who had been bitten by a spider while camping, freaked out, gone to run away and tripped over the guy ropes on a tent, beaking my arm, as well as grazing my knee? Does that not sound like something i would do? (Remember a certain incident on camp involving an 'invisible' wall, my torch and a huge gash in my knee?) Well, next time it happens, i'll know just how to fix myself up.

We even got to keep our bandages and stuff :) Plus, our 'exam' was a 20-question multiple choice that i got 100% on - go me! So, with two days work, some good company (we had 'Tom the Tour Guide', 'Sweedish Matthew' and 'Clifford the Jake Gyenhaall look-alike with us :P) and not that much of a final exam, i'm fully qualified for the next three-years to practice First Aid.

Not only does this look good on my resume, but it means that i'm one of the approximately 5% of South Australians to have my certificate (that's possibly not quite the right figure... but it's something appallingly low at any rate). So... think about doing a course. They don't cost much, you get something out of it and you can help other people if you're needed. So many people die because nobody around them knows how to care for them. Don't let that happen near you - get your certificate! (Hey, i sound like a drink-driving ad; 'be safe. get a designated driver. don't drink drive - save lives'...) Just look it up on the Red Cross website and give them a buzz. It's regognised all over Australia and in some areas internationally and it lasts for three years.

Ok, that's it for the plug from me!

Go forth and make the world a better place! :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im dead. please help me!