Thursday, September 21, 2006



Yes children, the day has finally come when i can confidently tell you that i HAVE BROUGHT MY CLASSICS SPECIAL STUDY DOWN TO THE WORD LIMIT!!! (yes, i know i only really started it two days ago, so you haven't waited all that long for this marvelous occurence but...) Not only am i hitting 2000 words nicely but i also have a GOOD QUALITY essay on my hands - or hard-drive (yes, at this time of night my humour is appalling :P).

I did spend a moment considering whether or not i should be ecstatic because this essay is FINALLY finished or depressed because it's the high-point of my week by far... but i've decided to go with ECSTATIC, as it's just so much more cheery!!! :)

Hehe, that little outburst over and done, i must head back to my essay for more polishing (hey, i came down to the word limit - i never said i'd finished!). But polishing is fun - yes, i'm a freak - so that's no problem. So, off to polish and spend a few more hours with LozK on MSN as we pat outselves on the back for our briliance, before off for a couple of minutes sleep and then CHOIR -- the girls have moderation, so i can't suck too much for their sake :P But hey, we sound pretty good all the time, so shouldn't be too much of a worry *touch wood* - got to get my solo just rigt though!!!


full of late-night, classics-enduced hyper-activity and temporary cheer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Annie!! WOOT!! rejoicing in our classics special study finale is so satisfying :D and i must say that i love u muchly for reading my essay ON THE MORNING IT WAS DUE (similar to u i am also a last minuter hehe) and helping me cut down my word count... only by like 80 words but at least then i was only 120 over n not 200 which i am SO greatful to u for!!! ah the sweet relief that its over, tho im hoping in my hurried editing i didnt ad more errors. oh well fingers crossed. so long as scotty likes it we're set ;) now to spend all this week on our history special study... i hav a feeling im gonna b seeing u on msn thurs nite for a repeat of last wk :P well thats plenty out of me, cya at school hun xxx lauren k