Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Old Dogs & New Tricks

Kiss & Tell...

'Going For It'

Common room gossip-mongers and teenage boy-advice experts have been heard to say in reecent frees that it's not humanly possible to teach a girl how to 'go for it' with a guy. Now, this immediately sparked a debate; we had the 'you SO CAN teach a girl how to catch a guy!' girls, oppsoing the 'if you don't have it NOW, you won't have it EVER' chickies. Things were pretty heated there for awhile!

Then things got interesting (for some) when one girl decided that to prove things conclusively, a test subject would be needed. I'm not going to name names here, but put two and two together and you'll figure out who the lucky gal is. This experiment involved this girl being instructed on how to pull a guy. We're (unfortunately) not talking about a clear cut method to follow here. What this girl got was more of a mish-mash of tips and techniques from various corners of the common room. Conflicting and definately not compatible, i think we ended up with more confusion than construction... but the idea was there!

What were these tips you may ask? Well, i can share them with you, but i don't know if it will be much use - being all girls, it's tricky to figure out how effective this stuff is :P Ok, so, here are the ideas and tips from the common room...

1) We have the 'stand close and tilt your head up to him' move - if done effectively, this often ends in a kiss
2) There's the simple 'get drunk, slide over to him - preferably when he's drunk - and hope for the best' technique - but this one doesn't have an incredibly high success rate so watch that one!
3) In the words of a 'mystery friend'...
"Well, i guess some girls just close their eyes n go 4 it or sorta take the hitch 90 10 i personally like the guy to make the move so i dunno i guess i spend time with them, show interest, gotta be close to them in a position where kissing is possible without breaking their or ur neck, mabye look into their eyes or something, somehow be close."

It's a tricky business, hey. But, in the interests of science, if this stuff works for you, you have successfully proved that old dogs and new tricks ARE compatible! So, let me know :P

True Love's First Kiss

Whilst on the topic of kissing, the topic turned to one's first kiss. Is it the big deal that some girls think it is? Again, we had divided opinions on this one; the girls that have kissed guys think it's no biggie. The girls that haven't? Yea, they're the ones that are more likely to freak out about it. Apparently it never lives up to people's expectations. I wonder, is that because we hype it up so much that it just can't be lived up to? Or just because all the guys out there have to get some more practice? Who knows. Is it really possible for true love's first kiss to live up to all expectations? I'll let you know...

You've got to wonder these days though. Does kissing mean as much as it used to? With the random hook-up happening these days, maybe it's just not as important as it once was. *sigh* Gone are the days when a kiss on the hand could be quite continental and guys didn't come within thirty centimetres of his girlfriend until their wedding night. So, maybe kissing is just the modern-day equivalent of a hug? Lol, or maybe not...

Lol, basically, in case you haven't figured, i have veeeery little idea of what i'm talking about and have probably failed the girls dismally if they were hoping for something more useful! But, Georgie-h is trying to untangle the mess i've just made so check back soon...


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