Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Word For The Wise...

...About the Random Guy who Saves your Butt when your Friends leave you Stranded on Street Corners...

Ah yes. The 'Random-guy-who-saves-your-butt-when-your-friends-leave-you-stranded-on-street-corners'. Do you know one of those? Well, if yours is anything like mine (and i use the term 'mine' losley of course) then i'll bet he's pretty nice, hey. But for those of you who don't know one of these guys, let me tell you how it works...

Ok, so picture this; it's been a looooong night and you're stuffed but you're also kind of on edge. See, here's the thing: it's the 30th of June and one of your friends convinced you to make a mid-new-year's resolution. Actually, they made it for you. You had to either hook-up with or give up on 'your' guy. Now, granted, i would be spending the evening with this guy - however, there would be about 20 other people there watching us. Not ideal, but ok, it's a start. Anyhoo, no prizes for guessing i didn't hook-up with the guy :P But that was ok, because we decided we'd go out with them all after. So we're getting ready to go and i say 'alright, well, you'll have to go slowly 'cos i need to follow you or i'll get lost, ok?'. Seems reasonable, right? I thought so. But then your 'buddy'* pipes up with something along the lines of; 'hey, i'll go in the teensy-tiny one-seater car with the guy who you're kinda crushing on!'. Yea. So you're seeing the problem?

So i ask her exactly what she thinks i should do seeing as i don't know where i'm going and am not a fan of trying to get into a pub underage alone. Also, i'm supposed to take her with me to a friend's place after. She shrugs and gets into the car with the guy, telling me she is still planning on my taking her. I'm literally left standing there on the pavement, tears in my eyes, as my mate and the guy drive off... (oh yea, just in case you think i'm one of those girls who gets teary easily, i'd just found out that 'the guy' had gone and found a girlfriend - his first in ages, and it wasn't me - obviously - and i wasn't used to 'sharing' him, so i wasn't in the best mood to be ditched on a dark, cold street...) and i can't leave because i have to drive her around (yes, i realise i could've left but you've got to realise how a) much i like the guy - pathetic, i know - and b) i couldn't leave her stranded, unlike some people are apparently able to do...).

Anyway, enter 'random-guy-who-saves-your-butt-when-you-friends-leave-you-stranded-on-street-corner'. This particular guy is now universally known as 'saviour *insert name here*' (i try to maintain annonymity here :P -attempt being the key word). He was standing by his car - which was rather cool and unusual but i have no idea what is was - watching this little scene unfold. As i was left there pathetically, he pipes up with; 'want a lift?'. Yes. The RANDOM stranger who i don't think even knows my name offered me a lift with the people who actually knew me just left. What does that say about the company i keep, hey.

Right, so after a car trip to the pub with somebody i don't know, we manage to get in - underage! yay :P - we sit down... my friend practically sitting in my guy's (again, term 'my' used loosley) lap and it being sooooo loud in there that i can't actually hear anything much anyway. So, my saviour takes pity on me again and talks to me the entire time. Thank-you!!! Right, so a stranger is talking to me while the people i know aren't - and i'm sitting there in my year 12 jumper (which i quickly remove, remembering that i'm supposed to be 18) and uggs because HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT WE'D END UP IN A PUB?!? Anyway, then my guy pipes up with something along the lines of; 'hey, doesn't that waitress look like your friend who i hooked up with the other day?' - joyous.

So, eventually, i start doing the watch-checking thing. You see, i'm supposed to be at a friend's house about an hour ago, instead of stuck in a pub with nobody to talk to and no car to get home with. Enter my saviour, once more. He chivalrously offers to take me back to my car - completely out of his way. My friend and the guy will meet us back there. We talk all the way back and when we arrive first he sits with me until they come, so i'm not waiting alone in the dark. How sweet is that?! I get a hug good-bye and a look that says; 'hey, don't worry about them, they're morons.' Yes. They definately are.

When i finally make it to my friends place, the evil-betraying-child with me (god knows why i didn't just leave her on the street), i walk through the door burst into tears just as a certain bubble walks in behind me and gets a huge shock at being greeted by a crying girl and then go and sit myself in the bedroom to calm myself... somewhat. The incident is never mentioned... nobody bar the bubble and the owner-of-the-house acually ask what's up. Yup. Fun.

Anyhoo, here ends my slightly pathetic tale. The moral of this story is all about the saviour-dudes. I'm telling you, if you find one, he's a keeper! :P (btw, this story is the one that ends with my being accused of non-spooning, if you know what i'm talking about!) So, that trip down memory lane has been fun to re-live but now i'm off to find something more cheery!

Au Revoir!

*who i am no longer incredibly furious at in case she was wondering, but at the time i was and i still think she SHOULD NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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