Thursday, January 07, 2010

More From Barcelona...

ok, yesterdays flight was cancelled, so im hoping that today´s wont be!!

i really did nothing yesterday, except hang out on the computer, and hang out in my room writing and watching fox. the skies were lovely today, bright blue unlike the gloomishness that we´ve had the past few days, yet i couldn´t bring myself to venture outside for most of the day.

this afternoon i did head out, down la rambla, one of the main streets in barcelona. it´s filled with shops, little newsstands and souvenir stores. i bought crap i didnt need.

there´s a circus in town and a lot of the people involved busk on the streets. i stopped in a crowd of people watching acrobats. they were half decent but then they started coming around asking for money. i said no (i hate it when people put me on the spot asking for money! im much better when they let me give it of my own accord) and he kept bugging me, so i said i didn´t have any, but he still wouldn´t let it drop. eventually, he said he didn´t believe me, and stalked off and everyone was looking at me :( i didnt do anything wrong, it wasn´t like they all gave money!! the guy was all ´you just want to watch for free!´ - well, duh! stupid meanie man. i almost cried. i hate it when people are mean to me. i probably would´ve given them money at the end anyway if they hadnt been mean to me! stupid men.

other than that, la rambla was lovely. there are all these pet stands lining it, with guys selling adorable soft miniature rabbits, pigeons, chickens, squirrels, birds, fish and the coolest miniature hamsters. i want a miniature hamster. they´re only the size of mice and look like small versions of my hamtaro\popcorn dude teddy. i want one!!! i also want a miniature rabbit cos they´re so soft and cuddly. and yesterday we went into a proper pet shop and they had puppies and kittens and i want all of them too. especially the white fluffy persian kitty. he was so friendly. ahhhh, i want all the animals! i nearly bought a toy for barney, but figured you´d get mad at me for wasting my money :p

there were lots of flower shops on la rambla and guess what i saw? there were blue roses!! aqua ones the colour of my bedspread, and dark blue ones like the night sky, pale blue ones and even black ones! it was so so cool. i want blue roses one day. i wonder if they´re grown that way, or whether they are died once they´ve already been grown... it would be cool to have a garden full of blue and white roses. wouldn´t that look cool? with bluebells, and violets, and more roses, and daisys and jasmine and orchids and all sorts of pretty flowers. and a willow tree, cos i always think they´re kind of magical. like where fairies would live. and a creek with a little wooden bridge and a rope swing...

haha, i have a silly imagination, it runs away with me. main point being that i thought the blue flowers were cool.

i was going to write in starbucks for awhile, change of scenery and all that, but it was packed! so i bailed back to the trusty computer. silly downloads still aren´t done!

i am now addicted to ghost whisperer, lie to me, bones, house (ok, i already liked that, but now i like it more), dollhouse and possibly also mental. oh dear, how my downloading will suffer.

i was going to hve chinese for tea (good old comfort food and there´s a place over the road!) but i think the place is closed for christmas... maybe i´ll have to resort to burger king. i suck. but i dont really want to eat at a restaurant alone on christmas! oh well.-

fingers crossed my flight isn´t cancelled!!!!!


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スタービーチ said...
