Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dying For Freedom!!!

Tomorrow is the day of reckoning that begins my exam period. Here's what the next two weeks look like...

Monday 16th - Corporate Law Exam 5.45pm
Tuesday 17th - Psychology, Human Development Exam 8.45am
Wednesday 18th - Law & Med Exam 5.45pm

Friday 20th - Sunday 22nd - Schoolies Green Team volunteer

Tuesday 24th - Real Property Law Exam 1.15pm

So far, i've almost finished my corporate law notes. I aim to get those done before bed tonight. Thankfully, it's an open book exam, so i can take everything in with me. Even though i don't know the work all that well, i'm hoping i can get it all together during the exam and write down answers for the problem questions. All i want is a pass... if i finish my notes tonight, then i can put sticky tabs in them and by text books, to help me along. Fingers and toes crossed.

Somehow, i've got to start/finish psychology notes tomorrow. Because the exam is first thing on tuesday morning, i've not got much time to prepare, and ideally need my notes organised before my corporate exam. I've only been to the first six lectures, and have a friend's notes for the last five... but i've not so much as looked at the middle bunch. 30% of my final grade will depend on the 40 multiple choice questions. With any luck, i'll be able to get that. There are always two of the four options that are easily ruled out, but always two that are hard to choose between. In the revision lecture, i guessed about 75% of the questions rightly, which was relieving. But who knows how it will all go... There are also two essays, each worth 5% of my final grade. We were given a list of 10 questions, and four of them will be in the exam. However, i've not even looked at them, so that will be of very little help to me... the quick glance i had was not at all reassuring - they all looked far too hard! I've got to get my notes in some sort of order tomorrow, so i can learn them after i get home from tomorrow's exam. It's not open book, so i have to commit as much to memory as i can. I'm panicking slightly.

I'm not even worrying about Lw and Med until later on tuesday. I've already finished noting all of the lectures/tutes from this semester, so it shouldn't be too hard to have a look through them all before the exam. It's open book, so it should be ok. The teachers says things seem fairly straightforward.

As for real property, i've not even started thinking about it. I know my notes are almost up to date, and i've got days between my exams to finish them off. I'll take my notes to schoolies, and work on them during the week - it should be fine.

So, mainly, the problems lie with corporate law and psychology. And the biggest problem is the fact that they're so close together! If only i had more time...

Add to that the fact that i've been really, really sick this week. Serious head spins, sore throat, blocked nose, wracking cough... not fun. I'm on antibiotics now, but they're seriously taking their toll. I'm exhausted. Today, i had to keep having half hour naps. I wasn't really awake until later this afternoon. I've worked solidy since, but most of the day was a write off! I have to have an early night or else i'll be dead tomorrow and for the exam. Blarrrrgh.

Exam period sucks. I'm dying for the freedom of holidays!!! Wish me luck.

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