Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ok, i have so much work to do at the moment. I have one more big assignment before exams, not to mention all of the reading/noting/catching up on lectures that i still have to do. Let's just say that it's a BIG pile of work. And yet, i have done nothing all day. Or yesterday. Or the day before. I handed in a big assignment on monday, but other than that i've pretty much done shit all this week. Granted, i've been sick and exhausted. But that's really no excuse.

I'm in one of those moods where the very idea of picking up a book seems beyond my capabilities. I'm mad at myself, because i know i have heaps to do. And i really want to do it! I want to get it done, and i don't even mind the act of noting! But i just can't make myself do it. It may sound like i'm just being slack, and i'm sure that's true in part. But on the other hand, i know it's not just me being a lazy bum. I physically am unable to do things at the moment. I know it has something to do with my stupid depressed brain. which unfortunately means there's very little i can do about it.

This lack of work is making me feel crappy and pushing me towards the dark place. Ugh. It feels like i just left it.

Anyway, my inability to do anything is extending to blogging. Despite my wanting to tell you about things, the act of writing isn't easy. So, despite the fact that i'm sure very few people read my drivel, i thought i'd just let you know. I'll be back properly soon i hope. Until then, you might get a few bits and pieces here and there. Hope everyone else is having a good week!

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