Friday, October 09, 2009

Geez, study is so boring. I've been so sick this week that all i've wanted to do is sit around and sleep. Of course, that means that i've done very little study. While i still fall asleep whenever i close my eyes, i've finally cracked open a book. Woot! That's not to say i've done very much, but still.

My weekend should be full of study - and starting/finishing the huge assignment that i have due on monday. But i sense that i'm just going to want to sleep the whole time... i'm just so so so tired.

Tomorrow night, i have to go out to dinner with boyfriend's family. This is scary enough on it's own. I've never been 'the girlfriend' to someone's parents before. But there are a few extraneous factors that are making me extra nervous. And i don't know what to wear, which adds extra stress of course. I have to look perfect. Fingers crossed it all goes well...

After that, Loz and i are taking boyfriend out on the town for the first time. While, at the moment, i can barely pull myself together enough to get out of bed, get dressed, get out of the house... i somehow have to look amazing, and pull out a fun, exciting, high-energy night in town. Plus, i haven't been out drinking in such a long time. I don't really know how that will go. No idea how i'm going to do it just yet, but i suppose we'll just have to wait and see.

For now, i'm just trying not to panic and get some work done. Stupid uni. I just want to go back to sleep for about 100yrs, a la Sleeping Beauty. I figure that would be somewhat theraputic.

Hope you're all having a good weekend!!

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