Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Zealand Visitor

When i went to Europe, i made friend named Libby. She was lots like me - we laughed lots, had heaps of fun and were our usual companions as we explored Europe. I haven't seen her in almost two years now. This week, she came over to Adelaide to see me! She flew in sunday afternoon and left yesterday. We had such a good time, i had forgotten how much fun we had together. I enjoyed playing tourist!!

Sunday night flew by. We had planned to see a movie, as the movie theatre in the small town that Lib comes from shut down years ago and she has to drive hours to the cinema now. However, Lib was knackered and fell asleep around 6, so i just spent the night chilling.

When monday came, it was time to dig deep and think of all of the touristy things that you can do in Radelaide. Despite the warm weather of the past few weeks, it was a horrible morning. Pouring with rain, gale winds, bitterly cold... we decided that Lib must've brought the awful weather with her from NZ. We picked Loz up and headed up the freeway. Our first stop was the Mt. Lofty Summit. Despite the cold and the wind, it was pretty cool to see the panoramic view of Adelaide, and we stopped off to get postcards and other touristy things. Then we headed up to Hahndorf. Before we could get out of the car, the rain started to pound down. We raced for the German Arms, where we settled in for some lunch. They had a fire, so it was nice and warm!! We ate lunch and it was super filling and yummy. Afterwards, we dashed through the rain between shop verandas and looked at all of the Hahndorf goodies. We hit a few chocolate and sweet shops to stock up on treats, and i got a lucky fairy coin from the awesome fairy shop. Eventually, we'd had enough of getting wet, so we headed to Harbor Town for some shopping. Lib was looking for shorts, but apparently Adelaide isn't ready to sell those yet... instead we found a few random bits and pieces and stocked up on hula hoops for kids club. It was still bucketing down and we got soaked again, but there were rainbows this time!!

We had a big family dinner, with Lib and my new bf (a story for another time...), which was far less terrifying than we had all thought that it would be. Phew! Lib went to sleep early again and i hung out with the boyfriend for awhile. One successful night as a tour guide down!

On Tuesday i dropped Lib in town while i went to work for awhile. There's way too much to do for kids club for me to have skipped a day! I went in at lunch to collect her and we wandered the shops for awhile - we bought cds and had coffee and a chat... it was a pretty chilled day. The afternoon was spent reading the new Dan Brown book, which was exciting. At night, Loz and i took Lib on a nightlife tour of adelaide... this consisted of a drive through town to see the Lantern, the zoo, St. Peter's cathedral and the unis, before heading down to the beach for gelati and a walk to the jetty. We finished up with a trip to Windy Point, where cops asked us if we were the ones doing burnouts, we took lots of photos and stole a traffic cone on the way down the hill again for use at kids club. Not super exciting, but we made it work...

On wednesday, Lib was up super early so we made the most of the day. Loz and i took her to see The Ugly Truth at Marion, before we explored IKEA and hung out at the airport for awhile. I finally got my bookshelves at IKEA and we had Hungry Jack's for lunch. Loz got her scissors confiscated at the security point - they refused rather rudely just to hold onto them for us. Grr. We waved Lib off at the gate with promises to see each other again soon.

It was great seeing Lib. I loved having her around - she was so much fun and she's so easy to be with - moreso than heaps of the people that i know in Adelaide. I miss her already and hopefully i'll get over to NZ soon. It was a pretty awesome few days!

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