Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Tonight, after a great deal of cajoling, bullying and more or less aggressive dragging, El took me along to a special session at her Latin dance school. She is learning Bachata (and Zouk and Salsa...), which is a kind of Latin, sexy, speedy, up-close-and-personal dance. Now, it's important to note my lack of co-ordination, aversion to dancing in public, fear of judgemental audiences and public failiure, and general hatred of mirrors. Needless to say, it was not an easy task getting me there. But i arrived on time, in my totally inappropriate dancing clothes, and joined the line of girls.

Tonight was an all-ladies occasion (thank goodness, because the idea of grinding up against a stranger just isn't appealing to me for some reason!), and we were focusing on style. The nice, gorgeous, flexible, gorgeous, amazing dancer lady who was leading our class taught us a few basic moves before we started to learn a little routine, called a 'shine'. Apparently, when we're dancing in pairs, the guy can spin us out on our own and that's our opportunity to get all sexy and dance on our own - and 'shine'!

I eventually got my butt moving in a figure eight and my hip popping on the right side. The shine wasn't all that difficult to the untrained eye, but naturally, the speed threw me off balance and i generally skipped a step (ok, and i always stuffed up the quick step, because my feet couldn't move that fast!). Don't even get me started on my ineptitude for body rolls... By the end of the hour long class, i wouldn't say that i had the routine down, but i could struggle through it.

Now, i wasn't an embarassment to myself. But the other girls in the class seemed to have more of an idea about how to move their bodies than i did, or more dancing experience, which put me at a disadvantage. Add that to the fact that facing a full length mirror for an hour watching my body (ew) attempt to dance (cringe) and i think i did fairly well overall. Although i suck at dancing sexily. I don't think i could exude sex if you paid me. Which is good i suppose, because i'll never be tempted into being a hooker or a stripper if i'm broke.

El is dying for me to turn up next week for the first session of the six week beginners class. I'm not sure i can subject myself to it (or afford it!!), but we'll see. I'm balancing the desire to know how to dance with the desire not to damage my fragile self esteem. I kind of enjoyed the dancing tonight, but the self-esteem issue that made me feel like i looked actually ridiculous had me very nervous... i'll work on it. There's another friend of El's that she dragged along tonight, who seems keen to do the beginner's classes. While she's a better dancer than me, it's good to know that i'd at least have one friend!! (El is already in the intermediate class, having finished the first six weeks). I know that people are keen for me to go and i always have so much trouvle saying no!! And it's only six weeks...

Other than that, i'm pretty keen on trying yoga or some other kind of dancing. El and i think swing would be fun, or classical. Maybe i'll look into them. The idea of classes appeals to me - i like improving myself and being accomplished at things.

Who knows, maybe i'll get into Bachata and be sexy dancing in the clubs of Adelaide in no time at all... keep an eye out for that!

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