Sunday, August 02, 2009

So we're headed into week two and i already have hundreds of pages to read. This week i've been under the weather and have slept most of the time, which has been fairly detrimental to my readings... at least i can feel slightly better due to the fact that i've been out of it and it's not just me being a slacker. Still, i do feel unsettled being only a week in and not being on top of things. Usually i like to leave it until at least week four or so before i'm behind in my readings. Blargh.

It feels like it's been a really long week. There are some things that have really got my hackles up this week and i've been pretty annoyed about that. Then again, there are some things that have been really good, so i suppose everything has balanced out ok. Even so, i'm fairly flat this weekend, and am already looking forward to the next weekend! Or at least wednesday, because that's my day off uni, woo!

I had lots of birthday celebrations with Loz this week for her 20th. We had lots of coffee and spent friday night at a Mongolian restaurant with some of her uni mates, whicch was pretty good un. I don't know them all that well, but they're always nice to me so that was good, even though i was a tad on the outer. Still, no huge disasters. And i got to wear my awesome pink shiny shoes for the first time - i love them!! I had to bail on her drinks night last night though, because by the time i'd finished taking the kids working i was shattered and had to come home and study/sleep.

This week i have a few lunch dates and catch ups to look forward to, and i plan to at least be on top of my psychology readings if nothing else (seeing as that was the subject in which i did worst by far last semester - though my law subjects aren't looking all that easy either!). Of course, i have plenty to do at work, too! The next kids club is coming up in less than two months! I have no idea how the terms go so quickly these days, it's nuts.

More good news - it looks like i'm going to europe in the summer, woo! Just for a few weeks, to see Spain, Scotland, Ireland and London... i'm pretty excited! I love to travel and i love europe and it's going to be great, woo!!!

Ok, i'm off to work to study. Hopefully the peace and quiet will be condusive to my studying habits!


cait said...

Hi =)
I have once again ventured back to your blog.. Because I am such a productive student, I tend to do stuff like that when I should be doing readings instead. haha.

What are you doing at uni (if you don't mind me asking)?
..Just because you mentioned something about psych and law.
I'm doing B Law/B Arts (with psych as my key program).

Annabel said...

Hi! :)
Haha, i'm stoked that i actually have a semi-regular visitor. very exciting.

I definitely understand your student version of productivity. The pile of readings next to me is getting pretty huge

I'm going B Law/B Psychology. At the moment it's mainly law stuff, only one psych topic a semester. Sort of wishing i was doing arts though, i miss studying english and history! Which are you enjoying more?

cait said...

haha glad to hear it :)

Yeah, my readings are piling up too..
I had an amazing plan to be a dedicated student this semester.. However, it hasnt quite worked out for me, considering i didnt even manage to do my readings for week 1. lol

Do you like doing so much law stuff?
I do 2 law units, 1 core arts unit and 1 psych unit each semester at the moment.
Definitely enjoying psych the most though! To be honest im finding the law side pretty boring, and am considering getting rid of it if i dont change my mind by the end of the year..
Your degree sounds good.. I think i probably would have chosen the same thing if i had it as an option.

Do you know what you plan to do when you finish?

Annabel said...

Haha i had great plans to at least be on top of things until wk 4... but that totally hasn't happened. oops!

i don't mind doing so many law topics cos they're all quite different to each other, so it doesn't really feel like i'm too unbalanced (that's not to say i enjoy the topics :P). law is getting more interesting the more i get into it, the first few years were pretty dull. what year are you in?

psych is fun though, it's all interesting stuff... although it's my 'easy' topic, so i tend to skip lectures, because i'm a terrible student!

no idea what i want to do yet... i thought maybe family law or psychology. but maybe i want to work at a magazine. or open a shop. or write a novel. haha, i have no idea :P how about you?

cait said...

Hmm well I hope you're right about the law subjects getting more interesting.. I'm only in my first year at the moment..
What year are you in?

I find psych fun too.. It just seems to interest me much more than law.. And lol, you sound like me, last semester my psych unit was my best (marks-wise), yet it was also the class I skipped the most.

I have absolutely no idea what I want to do. But I figure I've got another 4 & a half yrs to figure it out! Thinking of maybe dropping law if I don't start liking it more by the end of the year..
But if I keep law, probably something along the lines of family law too lol (seemed interesting in legal studies?). If i get rid of law, then I'll be sticking with psych.
..but.. what I really want is to be famous.. haha.. (Just have the urge for some reason). So really, I'd like to start a band, act, or write a book.
..anddd as you can probably gather, I'm not the most decisive person. haha..

Annabel said...

i'm third year now - definitely not as dull as first year. i'm definitely of the train of thinking that i've still got awhile to figure out what i want to do though! i've not studied family law at all yet, but hopefully will get to next year.

haha, i know what you mean about being indecisive. being in a band would be pretty cool - do you play anything? i'm going to write a book one day... if i ever find enough drive to make myself finish it :P

c. said...

well hopefully i'll be able to stick it out until 3rd year then lol. but at this stage, the likelihood of that happening is questionable.. haha.
what made you pick law? ..i'm really not sure why i'm even doing it, which is probably why i'm doubting that i'll finish it lol.

yeah i think it would be amazing to be in a band.. i'd love to be able to play music all day.. and getting paid to do it would be a bonus too of course.. i play guitar. how about you?

i think writing a book would be pretty cool too.. but i dont have enough inspiration to write a full length novel. at least not at this point.. i really enjoy writing though. maybe one day a brilliant story will come to mind and demand to be written. ..i can only hope. haha.
i'll be sure to read your book if you ever write one :P

Annabel said...

haha, try to stick it out for awhile and see if it gets better. I picked law because i was a big public speaker at school and always very opinionated, so everyone thought i should do law... so i kind of just fell into it. didn't think i'd get the marks, but somehow i did, so i just went with it...

i'm in a band at my church and it's lots of fun. i love singing in it, definitely an awesome experience. i've got a guitar but can't play it yet :P mainly i just sing. you should join a band somewhere :) or make your own.

i know the feeling of a lack of inspiration. i sort of get bits of a story, but not enough to pull it all together... i'm working on it. one day i'll get there hopefully! and i'll cross my fingers that you do too!

c. said...

yeah, i'm gonna give it til the end of the year at least.. i only picked law because i had no idea what to choose and someone went 'you like to argue and persuade people, why dont you do law?', and i went hey why not. hindsight, probably not the best reason to choose something i'd be stuck doing for 5 yrs? lol.

i think its awesome youre in a band! i dont go to church a lot these days, but i went yesterday and they had the full band and i was thinking it would be cool to be a part of it..
I love to sing, but it really doesnt sound the best haha. and ive got no objective third party to get an opinion from, because im too shy to sing in front of anyone but family.
you should definitely learn guitar, its so much fun! and a big stress reliever for me too.. somehow music can make everything ok. :)
try looking for video tutorials on youtube.. they can be really helpful.

as for story inspiration.. mine's a lot like yours.. i get little bits, but not enough. hopefully one day we'll both get enough, and can read each others books haha =)

Annabel said...

haha i definitely see your logic. my way of thinking these days is that i'll end up leaving with a degree that'll look pretty good on a resume. so it can't be that bad. i'm too far in now to drop it!!

good luck with your writing!! i'm sure something will come to you eventually :)