Monday, July 27, 2009

And So It Begins (Again)...

Semester two has officially begun. I thought i didn't start until eleven, but checked my timetable last night and was distressed to learn that i actually had my first lecture at 9am. Disgustingly foul way to start a monday... but hey.

I managed to actually get to class on time! A huge feat considering how zonked out i am in the mornings and the fact that my contacts weren't right and i couldn't see properly until i'd changed them (i'll admit to a freak out over the fact that my vision was blurry, i can't stand not being able to see properly! it's so frustrating...). I had a two hour Law and Medicine lecture in which i absorbed very little, and i suspect that to always be the case at such a ridiculous hour of the morning. Lots of friends in that class though, so not all is lost.

After that was two hours of Corporate Law and Drafting. More joy. Especially considering that the woman spent over an hour reading aloud from our topic guide. Completely unnecessary. However, it seems that the first part of the topic won't kill me, as it's stuff that i learnt in accounting in year 12, regarding legal entities. Woo! So i felt smart. Basically El and i just sat around chatting up the back. Very productive, very mature...

The day wasn't all that bad. I mean, i like learning... i just don't like putting in a huge effort, haha. But, i drank a large coffee today, AND bought my Law School hoodie!! I'm loving it to pieces. It's gray and awesome and makes me feel smart (yes, i'm a bit of a law school snob, i like it because not just everyone has one) and it's super comfy! And i hung out with a mate this arvo, which always makes me cheery.

I even got a little bit of study done tonight, and plan to do a little more, so i'm happy enough with how the term has started. If only i could keep it up for a little longer. The plan is to not get too behind until about week five. That's the plan at least... always important to have a plan!!

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