As of 3.30pm yesterday, my exams are over and i am FREE for four whole weeks. So, i came home from uni... and went to work. Which turned out to be hilarious fun! We bought a whole bunch of op shop clothes and dress ups and spent a half hour putting together the most ridiculous outfits possible. I ended up in a gold lame vest, an old flannel shirt as a skirt, suspenders, a tie, a giant pointed Marshwiggle hat, devil horns and a huge sheep puppet on one arm. Ridiculous! And i was by no means the worst of the lot! In our outlandish get up, we headed down to the shop. The woman at the chip shop got grear amusement from us, and took photos on her phone. At the IGA, we raided the ice-coffee fridge and ran into people i knew and cute boys... but, to their credit, the people behind the counter didn't bat an eyelid at our silly costumes.
After we'd come back and eaten, we played... Plan C! Guess what? This time, i played - and i WON!! We were playing last man standing and i outwitted a bunch of kids and got a pity forfeit from the SouthAmerican. But i still won and got awarded this weeks IMPACT Youth trophy! Wooooo!!! Definately the highlight of my evening.
When youth ended, the SouthAfrican gave me a lift into town, as my plans had become all muddled and my ride fell through. I was meant to meet the girls for cocktails and dancing... but two of the four of us brought boyfriends so the dynamics were slightly skewed. We stood around at the Elephant for awhile, before sitting at the Stag. Two left, two didn't want to go dancing and so we wandered down to Hindley street to see if we could find somewhere else that took our fancy. We ended up at the Duke, waiting in the big line. When another one of us bailed, i gave up... not to thrilled with staying there alone with the one remaining couple. So, i was home by midnight.
Got to say, all in all, it wasn't the best night out and my freedom was better celebrated by dressing up like a Marshwiggle. I needed a night out that could make me smile, because i currently tear up faster than a Veyron can accelerate to 60kmph (do you like my car metaphor?). Smiling and dancing and fun with the girls was much needed. But maybe another time.
I got up early so that i could go to church and see the babies. Babies equal love, and love makes me feel better. I played stuck in the mud, ate chocolate covered apples with m&ms, played with darling Bobby and his new little bro - i felt the love.
I ended up back at church early, reading Little Women and listening to my i-pod, just to escape th world. When church started, i struggled not to burst into tears because everything just felt like crap. Dr.B's sermon was pretty awesome, and i managed to hear most of it. He made some really good points and i came away thinking 'i'll have to blog about that...' - but now i can't remember what that was... So. I sat in the kitchen for a few hours, drinking tea and avoiding everyone, because people make me feel like crap. It took me a half hour to leave, because i couldn't go home upset, so i had to make sure i was nice and calm. Life sucks sometimes.
I'm back on my cycle of 'sunday is crap, monday is crap, tuesday is a little better and the rest of the week is ok...' So, i'm just hanging out for wednesday. Then i can start to enjoy the holidays.
After we'd come back and eaten, we played... Plan C! Guess what? This time, i played - and i WON!! We were playing last man standing and i outwitted a bunch of kids and got a pity forfeit from the SouthAmerican. But i still won and got awarded this weeks IMPACT Youth trophy! Wooooo!!! Definately the highlight of my evening.
When youth ended, the SouthAfrican gave me a lift into town, as my plans had become all muddled and my ride fell through. I was meant to meet the girls for cocktails and dancing... but two of the four of us brought boyfriends so the dynamics were slightly skewed. We stood around at the Elephant for awhile, before sitting at the Stag. Two left, two didn't want to go dancing and so we wandered down to Hindley street to see if we could find somewhere else that took our fancy. We ended up at the Duke, waiting in the big line. When another one of us bailed, i gave up... not to thrilled with staying there alone with the one remaining couple. So, i was home by midnight.
Got to say, all in all, it wasn't the best night out and my freedom was better celebrated by dressing up like a Marshwiggle. I needed a night out that could make me smile, because i currently tear up faster than a Veyron can accelerate to 60kmph (do you like my car metaphor?). Smiling and dancing and fun with the girls was much needed. But maybe another time.
I got up early so that i could go to church and see the babies. Babies equal love, and love makes me feel better. I played stuck in the mud, ate chocolate covered apples with m&ms, played with darling Bobby and his new little bro - i felt the love.
I ended up back at church early, reading Little Women and listening to my i-pod, just to escape th world. When church started, i struggled not to burst into tears because everything just felt like crap. Dr.B's sermon was pretty awesome, and i managed to hear most of it. He made some really good points and i came away thinking 'i'll have to blog about that...' - but now i can't remember what that was... So. I sat in the kitchen for a few hours, drinking tea and avoiding everyone, because people make me feel like crap. It took me a half hour to leave, because i couldn't go home upset, so i had to make sure i was nice and calm. Life sucks sometimes.
I'm back on my cycle of 'sunday is crap, monday is crap, tuesday is a little better and the rest of the week is ok...' So, i'm just hanging out for wednesday. Then i can start to enjoy the holidays.
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