Monday, May 26, 2008

I'm Not A Donkey

Last night i attended the Seymour boarders chapel service to be the token female while the boys-only band rocked out. The boys were pretty good - and most of them were pretty cute - so going along to watch was hardly a chore.

Listening to their pastor's sermon was another story. He wasn't all that great; his grammar was appalling, his message lost in babble and his cliques muddled up. He did, however, have one good analogy, about a donkey.

Once, a donkey fell down a well. The farmer thought that the most humane thing to do would be to bury the donkey in the well, so he started shovelling dirt in. Much to his suprise, the donkey would shake off the dirt as it hit his back, and then step up. Once he'd noticed this, the farmer kept throwing down the dirt, steadily watching the donkey shake it off and step up. He did this all the way to the top, until he could step out of the well.

I thought it was pretty clever of the donkey. And i figured that most donkeys would probably just stand there as the dirt piled up around them. The pastor likened it to being able to shake off your problems and keep rising above. I thought that was an ideal, something that was unlikely to be reached by some people. I'm not the smart donkey today, i'm not climbing out of the well, shaking off the dirt. Maybe tomorrow.

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