Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Heads Or Tails

When i was in school, we had a christmas concert every year. Every year, we would sing the hymn Let there be peace on earth. We all loved the song, but it got to the point where we could sing it on autopilot. We never thought about the words.

Let there be peace on earth. It's a clique. It's what people say when they're on stage at a beauty pagent, or when they need to make a selfless wish for humanity. People see peace as the ideal, as the epitome of a perfect world. We all say that we want it... but what would happen if we really got it?

Can you imagine a world where there was nothing but peace? Everybody would get along, there would be no war, no anger, no controversy... but would people be happy? From my experience, people are never satisfied. If there was no controvery, no anger, would we be happy then? What would we do with our time? We'd have nothing to complain about, because we'd all get along fine. What would we talk about? How fantastic things were?

I just can't see it being as great as people assume it would be. People thrive on drama and conflict, whether we like to admit it or not. World peace would remove most of that. I don't know if people really would want it after all. I think what we want is an end to violence... ending war and terrorism would be a good start. Maybe that would be enough peace for us.

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