Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Flaming With Embarassment...

Today was long. I hate wednesdays. And this was one of the most mortifying experiences of my life.. Really, the whole day was a waste; i started at 9am, and my two hour class was over in less than an hour an a half. So, my two hour break was stretched out even further. After wasting a fair nit of time, i lunched with Ayles, before heading off to my next two hour lecture... which was over in forty-five minutes. So, i wasted more time. Before my next lecture - which also finished early.

A wasted day i can survive. I waste plenty of time, so that's nothing new. However, my constitutional law group presentation was just horrid. We were meant to go first and get our awful presentation over and done with; i was already well aware that most other groups had elaborate dramatic presentations, while we just had a powerpoint. Technically, the group was to be marked on how well they work together, not the final product - but looks are pretty important and i knew that it'd be better if we went first and there was nothing to compare us to. But it was not to be. Due to an immense amount of technical problems and the stupid arrogance of the slimy little man in our group, we ended up going last.

It was everything i feared - and worse. Not only did we only have a boring powerpoint, but we even sounded dull. Sure, i managed to interject some emotion into my voice, as did one or two of the others. But as for our small man's apparently fantastic speaking skills... well, they left everthing to be desired. He stammered, he stopped, he paused, he sounded like he had no idea what he was talking about. And we all looked like absolute idiots. I stood against the wall, eyes downcast, praying for the 15 minutes to end faster. No such luck. I've never been more embarassed in my entire life. It was hideous. So much for my plan to do well on the group work so that my expected terrible exam mark won't cause me to fail... i'm stuffed.

To make me even more annoyed, i nearly got cleaned up by three different people on the way home, through no fault of my own. People are stupid.

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