Sunday, April 06, 2008


The last 24hrs has been crazy busy.

Yesterday (after coming home and de-chlorinating after Stateswim), i had an hour or so to chill before going to church. It was Phil's farewell party, so there were old people, kids and harried servers everywhere, amongst the pretty balloons and streamers. I got conned into helping waitress - luckily, i managed to serve nuts, apricots, dates, etc without many problems. I didn't get much homework done inbetween running jobs... but it was fun and the adults really enjoyed a chance to say goodbye.

At 7pm, youth group started, so we had to entertain 13 kids in a church, because they couldn't use the main building until the party finished. We played carpet bowls, had a stare-off, sung, played tunnel ball with balloons, suck and blow with straws and marshmellow packets... we had a talk on sacrifice, fed them, watched youtube videos, a bit of Pearl Harbour... the kids were pretty good, so it wasn't too bad.

Next? I got changed to go out and sat around for a half hour with my hand on FrauC's stomach. She's 7 months pregnant (so exciting!) and the boys all started feeling her tummy, as the baby was kicking. I felt a little uncomfortable, but the SouthAfrican just grabbed my hand and shoved it onto her tummy. Very cool.

I went into town with some mates, there was another party at the AUBC. With free -strong- drinks (perks of knowing the barman), smoke machines and a bunch of girls to catch up with who i hadn't seen in a long time, i had quite a bit of fun. Then, when i got distracted by a guy, the girls all went home (apparently it was too hard to find me), taking my phone with them... i came outside to find myself all on my own. Great. Abandoned, and somewhat freaked out to be on my own in such a creepy place, i did something i've not ever done before. I called a friend and he came to get me. I've never before been able to call someone and ask them for help before. It was incredibly nice of him to come and get a cryingm girl to whom he owes nothing at 4 in the morning...

Once home, it was a few hours sleep before i was up and at church for the next service. Choir and band practices were maneagable, and i made it through most of the sermon before i got so tired that i couldn't help my head falling forward and jerking back up again... oops! I did, however, get multiple baby-cuddles, and hugs to make me feel better. And biscuits. Just two.

In the afternoon, i had to go fetch my phone from one of the girls, and had a quick ten minute catch up. Afterwards, in a miserable mood and crying uncontrollably as i drove, i realised that i couldn't go home in such a state. With no idea who to call, i eventually rang Ayles, invited myself over and crashed with her for awhile. That was fun. I'd never been inside her place before, and she was a fun person to cheer me up.

Home, dinner... falling asleep on the couch instead of doin the mountain of homework that i have to do... i have no motivation. It's been a long 24 hours.

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