Sunday, March 09, 2008

What's News

First week of uni is over - i'm alive! I've not done all of my readings... but i understand some of it, so i'm not panicked yet, which is lovely. And there are enough people around that i know now that i don't feel like a total loner, hurrah!! My boss gave less 'helpful' advice on my Stateswim shift - i was only told once to take all my kids at once. And i only half drowned my kids a couple of times! Maybe my co-ordination is improving. I had some of the girls over on friday night to watch movies- but we just chatted for a few hours and had maccas for tea, yum! Haha, we had a craving.

Last nite was SB's 19th. We hit up the ox and the stag. It was great to see the girls. Most of them left fairly early, but then i met up with some guys i've started spending a fair bit of time with (yup, you hear that? i've made new friends.). They're all legends - and ridiculously good looking - and we've all got quite the mutual admiration society thing going. We hung at the stag, dancing (not drinking, because i have absolutely no money). Around half two, we left. We headed to the Unearthly Garden. They have a bizzare little place made from those big, metal freight boxes. Inside, it was awesome. There was a disco ball and water was being sprayed everywhere, which meant that i FINALLY felt cool! It had been so hot inside the stag (i'm talking high thirties) that we could barely breathe! We finally found a taxi and headed home. I gave the dude directions to my place - which he then proceeded to IGNORE and ask one of the guys in the front where he wanted to go, before changing direction and heading to HIS house. Since when do taxi drivers ignore the plaintive cries of the girl in the backseat going 'hey! my house! we're going the wrong way!'. That was annoying! But it was a really good night. Those boys are lots of fun.

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