Friday, October 19, 2007

Thursday Randomness

Long Time Coming

Colv, Roz, RandomBen and i went out for dinner last night. Granted, the ratios were a little off, but we had a total blast. Apparently, RandomBen finds it absolutely comic that i am so utterly uncoordinated and made it his business to remind me of the times that i've falled through walls or in front of the entire school in assembly - as well as to remind me of my absoluetly shocking track record with guys (which does nothing to reflect my good taste!). However, no offense was taken - partly because he was spot on the mark! Hilarious.

By the time RandomBen and i had stopped trading insults and our sides were sore from laughing, it was too late to catch the last movie, so we all headed our separate ways. Roz came up to flinders with me as i dropped in an assignment - i had to do it before they emptied the box in the morning, because it was a little late. Scary up there in the dark!

We got sundaes from maccas on the way home and spent the next four hours sitting in the car (trying to get comfortable), talking about the ins and outs of our lives - and the unfortunate coincidence that we have very similar tastes in men... haha, we had to make the 'neither of us will hold it against the other, whoever wins' pact. I can see this ending badly! Ah well. It was 2am before we got home... and i had to work the next morning!

Totally worth it to see them thought.

You won't hear from me for a few days - i'm off on a church camp to the mallee, sort of an outreach thing. Should be pretty interesting... i'll give you the goss when i get home. Wish me luck! And don't do anything i wouldn't do while i'm away.


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