Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Saturday Night Shennanigans

Welcome Home!

Vivvy got home from south africa on saturday!! We were all set to go to the ed, so the girls and LewBear picked me up from work - where we'd been throwing around bananas/shaving cream/baked beans/milk/custard... and off we headed (after a ridiculous conversation with LittleM who decided that if i was wearing a black bra it was only because i wanted someone to see it - he's crazy. He did eventually tell me that i looked good though, so he redeemed himself - even though ShirtlessBuddy and some of the other littluns laughed at me! But one got all shy and thought i looked nice - adorable kid). BUT when we got there, everyone was leaving for town, because it was pretty quiet at the ed!

So RandomBen, LewBear, Bri and i went to the stag. Highlight? Bri and i found $10 on the ground! A few drinks and some dancing later, Bri bailed and Roz showed up. By this time it was late and RandomBen was getting bored. He and Roz went back to her place - leaving me with two options; i could crash their twosome or i could hang around with LewBear and help him pick-up. I picked the latter and spent the next hour pointing out girls and having him take a shot. Poor bub got shot down by some evil girl :( We saw a few girls from my uni and they were helping us in our task, but eventually we admitted defeat.

LewBear and i decided that we couldn't afford to take a taxi to meet up with the others at Roz's. We walked down Hindley (my shoes in my hand, as they were killing my feet) and LewBear bought us cheeseburgers. We had a big D&M and only got slightly lost before we found Roz and RandomBen and headed back to my place to sleep. Haha, LewBear and i were slightly hypo and didn't stop whispering to each other - causing Roz to get cranky. And RandomBen slept in the beanbag again! Random...

At least, even with the daylight savings change, we got to sleep in a little more before i did the drop homes and Roz and i (in our pjs) headed up to Colv's for a girls bruch. Good times. Exhausting though! Sleep needed...


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