Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Sin #5


"Wrath may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. These feelings can manifest as vehement denial of the truth, both to others and in the form of self-denial... and the desire to seek revenge outside of the workings of the justice system... The transgressions borne of Wrath are among the most serious, including murder, assault, and in extreme cases, genocide. Wrath is the only sin not necessarily associated with selfishness or self interest (although one can of course be wrathful for selfish reasons, such as jealousy). Dante described Wrath as "love of justice perverted to revenge and spite"..."

Anyone watch Grey's Anatomy? Anger doesn't seem like it's a big deal. But it's big enough to have made the top seven. So we really need to think about it more often than we do.

I, myself, do have a slight temper problem. Even though i let things simmer for a loooong time, eventually things will all built up and i'll crack an absolute fruity. Beware. Anyone who's been on the recieving end of one of my outbursts will know that i'll just get louder, more furious and possibly more irrational. I really should work on that. I'm the first to admit that i indulge in the occassional outburst that really doens't show me in a good light.

I'm not the only perosn who does the anger thing though. Far from it. And i am far from the worst! Look at the headlines. Domestic violence, awfully violent instances of date rape, murder... it's everywhere. Everywhere.

I'm not opposed to the occasional outburst. I've always been told that keeping things on the inside is really not healthy, so anger seems to be a logical step. Howeer, there are limits. Obviously, when anger is so extreme that it leads to truly hurting someone else, irreversably, it is uncalled for.

Back in the day, people definately still had anger issues. Soldiers going around killing people, crucifictions, angry mobs with spears, giant pits where lions faced off against men for sport... it's always been there. It didn't ever end well. Who has ever seen an angry outburst followed immediately by a loving embrace? There's always at least a little fallout.

I understand why anger was one of the original sins. Usually, an angry outburst is all about someone being hurt. Either it is the angry person, who covers up how much their insides are aching with cruel words, be they true or not, or it is the person that they are angry at, when those cruel words are aimed to hurt.

Anger is a dangerous thing. People get hurt. In extreme cases, people even get killed. You don't hear about people on death row who are there because they were lazy. It's the wrath that gets us. So, if you feel that you need to get angry, i understand that it's healthy in a way and that it can make you feel better. But just be careful about who you hurt. Anger can be as dangerous a eapon as a gun.


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