Sunday, April 15, 2007

Random Thoughts

Nothing Too Worthwhile

I've been flat out working the last few days, so not much of any interest has happened (especially as whenever i'm not at work i'm sleeping). The entire of this weeks will be spent watching 65 kids wreak havoc on my surroundings, while trying to keep them under control - and probably failing. Seeing as that will be my life for 10hrs a day, i'm likely to still have nothing worthwhile to say for awhile! :P

Small World
Apparently it's not just Adelaide that's small. It's really the whole world. In India, there was a string on my happy pants that broke. It tagged along in my luggage for awhile, but then i lost it. It didn't make it home with me. I thought nothing more about it. Then, on friday while we were eating lunch at work, Dr.B pulls out a bag of grapes. I glance at it, something familiar catching my eye. What is it? None other than the string itself! How the hell it managed to make it from India into Dr.B's bag of grapes is something that i really will never know. Random.

Car Trouble
Everyone knows all the scrapes i get into with my car. Well, this one is a doozy. Really shows of my cleverness. Not. I was racing around, getting dinner, hiring videos for youth group and trying to do it all in the ten minutes before the kids arrived. I got back to church, Vi and i grabbed our stuff and scrambled inside. Ten minutes later i was searching for my keys, to get something for Shirtless Buddy #1. I discovered that i'd locked them in my car. Than was annoying enough as i had to ring home to get the spare, which always means a lecture. But, as i raced out to my car, praying that they weren't actually inside, i discovered something worse. The car was actually RUNNING! The lights were off, the brake was on, but the engine was definately still running. I freaked out, convinced the battery would run out before the key turned up. A few minutes later, panic subsided as a realised that the back door was unlocked, as the passengers didn't lcok it! Although i got stabbed in the ribs by my guitar reaching over for the keys, i got them out and breathed in for the first time in what felt like decades. Seriously, how the hell did i manage to leave the ignition on? Imagine if i hadn't noticed that i'd left my keys inside! I'm hopeless.

House Sitting
For the next 10 days, i'm living on my own! Very cool. Actually, i'm hardly ever there, except for a few hours at night. I have to cook for myself (on the odd occasion when i'm home for meals) - which means pasta and toast for the next week. Only thing? My over-active imagination, coupled with the freaky statue of a bell hop with a creepy clown face, means that i tend to terrify myself at night. Picturing murders, etc. I watch too many scary movies. Even so, i'm still considering having people to my nice, empty house on tuesday to watch said scary movies :P The plan? They can just damn well stay over and keep me company! Cross your fingers for me that i don't burn down the house or something.


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