Sunday, April 15, 2007



Ok, so i am partial to the odd scary movie. Nothing better than sitting down for an hour and a half and watching something gauranteed to get that adrenaline pumping. Makes you feel alive :P

The other weekend, a friends dragged me off to see Disturbia. I wasn't too keen, seeing as the ads looked pretty poor and i'd seen some terrible 'scary' movies before (Boo, Hostel, Silent Hill...). But, we arrived, the lights dimmed and i quickly changed my opinion.

Working around the notion that 'every killer is someone's next door neighbour', it soon becomes apparent that this is the case. The cute neighbour is confined to house arrest and starts spying on the neighbours for something to do. He falls for the hot girl next door and gets suspicious of the man who seems to have something to hide. Sound cliquche? Maybe. But there's nothing wrong with that.

90 minutes later, we've had a number of murders, on-the-enge-of-your-seat drama, silences corrupted by sudden violence, tension, twists, surprises and more. You know it's a good movie if i'm freaked out, because i usually maintain a relative calmness. But i squeaked, squealed and hyper-ventilated with the best of them :P

Definately came out of the theatre feeling good. Go see it. Tell me if you agree.


1 comment:

thethinker said...

I really want to see Disturbia, but haven't had time to get to a movie theater. It's good to know that someone else thinks it's good so I won't be wasting my money.