Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Humpty Dumpty

One Lucky Egg... in a way...

Humpty Dumpty, sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty, had a great fall.
All the King's horses and all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

I'm thinking that Humpty Dumpty wasn't as hard done by as one would initially assume. Sure, he falls off a wall and is shattered. Life isn't too good for this eggie. However, on the other hand, he's lucky enough to have all of the King's horses and all of the King's men around. While they suck at gluing eggs back together, at least he had them there in the first place, to guide him through the scrambled mess that was now his life.

Everyone says that there is a moral in every nursery rhyme. I've found the moral in this one - or at least i've invented one. Here it is; everyone needs King's horses and men. Life's purpose (or at least one of them) must be to hunt and gather these men and these horses, to be there for us when we fall off the wall and our lives get scrambled.

I've got a horse of two - but in essence, the horse is only the underling of the man. So, even though i have a horse or two, i'm really looking for a few of the King's men. You see, horses are all well and good but it's the men that really have a handle on the gluing of the egg. Hooves aren't too condusive to gluing.

So, if anyone has a few spare King's men around, give them a shove in my direction. Someone needs to get to work with the gluing. Preferebly someone with more dexterity than a horse...

Regressing to my childhood,

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