Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Great Day


What happened today you may ask? That would be pretty much nothing in particular. But i had such a good day. Grins back!

It was my 'big uni day' today - 10 until 3 (lol, yea, i have suuuuuuch long hours). Bad things? Two hour tort law seminars! Good things? I survived my seminar! We got to spend our public law lecture watching movie excerpts! I spent the afternoon with Felix the Cat and we got along really well (even though i found out he's actually somewhat older than i though - the ripe old age of 20). I had lunch with the South African, the South African's Brother, Loz and MusicMan and they didn't interrogate/scare Felix! I'm pretty much definately going to India! I finally paid off my parking ticket :P I didn't make a fool of myself while the South Africans whistled to get my attention then ducked behind cars. Love those boys, we had a good chat. I visited Noodle at work in her break. All good things.

Sound like i'm absolutely the lamest perosn ever and am grinning over reasons that are incredibly pathetic? Well, that's most probably true. But i don't care! I've been smiling for a couple of days and it really does make things much better. So laugh at me if you will, but stuff you, i'm happy :)


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