Sunday, September 03, 2006

Stupid Stupid Stupid

La Retardation A Moi...

Yes, i am completely hopeless. Put a low-slung car infront of me and what do i do? Scrape the door on the pavement? Slam the doors too hard? Just generally look ridiculous when getting in and out of the car? Try all of the above. Bad enough - or so you'd think. But on top of that i manage to be told off as if i am 4-years old. In case you haven't noticed, i'm not. WOW. Huge realisation? Yea, well some morons... ahem, PEOPLE... haven't quite worked it out yet. Yes, i KNOW they love the car, but really. OBVIOUSLY i don't mean to hurt the car. DUH. Making me feel guilty and stupid isn't going to help, now, is it. No. just a little something to think about.

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