Monday, September 04, 2006

Busted A Mood

From Sunny To Sad In Seconds

In the midst of the emotional turmoil that is year twelve, mood swings are no longer a rarety in the common room. At any one time there are probably people who are deleriously happy upon completion of a huge essay, miserable people over a failed test, bouncy people excited about a party on the weekend or tearful people who have just had enough.

I, of all people, am quite well knows for my extreme mood swings - i will be jumping around and grinning like an idiot to myself one second, but one second later and i'll be sad and depressed for seemingly no reason at all. Often the trigger is a memory or thought that cancels out everything good, or it could be something that someone else says or does, maybe something happened that crushed any happy thought out of my mind. Whatever. It doesn't take much.

Why am i writing about my ridiculous personal emotional roller-coaster? Well, today was one of those days where i was flying high as a kite. For about 18hrs i'd been up on the ceiling, floating happily for reasons which, if i contemplated them too fully, would bring me crashing down (and therefore i chose not to think about the truth behind everything just yet). I spent the morning grinning to myself and the girls were all having a good giggle at me - of course, being in the mood that i was, i didn't mind at all. However, then came a discussion in which the origin of my mood was discussed... With one comment from one of my best buds, my mood hit rock bottom. Now, this comment was not meant meanly in an way. I can't even remember what it was. In no way am i mad! But whatever was said (something along the lines of my being stupid or my being laughed at or something - i get overly sensitive at times as i'd guess you know), it busted my good mood faster than you could say 'what's up, Doc?'.

My point? Just that you don't have to worry bubs, i'm not mad! Yes, my good mood crashed and burned but it was simply something that was bound to happen, not your fault - it had lasted too long already. Reality is always a good kick in the face, can't avoid it forever! Mood swings are just pre-requisites for year twelve - all part of 'the most enjoyable year of our lives' -- yep, those adults have no idea :P

the once-sunny and now reality-checked

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